
Friday, June 26, 2009

Up & Running!

Welcome! This blog has been fermenting in my brain for quite some time now and finally, I am taking the plunge. It is a bit daunting though to stare at this blank screen and wonder, "well, so what do you have to say?" I am reminded of Swami Kripalu's advice which is "ask yourself if what you have to say is an improvement upon silence." Gulp.

But I am putting this out here because there is very little silence in my head and I am needing to get some of the ideas - and some of the demons - out of my head. Whether a public airing is really necessary remains to be seen. I feel myself emerging from a long winter's hibernation and while it is officially Summer, I am entering a Springlike state of activity, growth and creativity. And I do not want to lose it. Or lose my way. So I am hoping this blog will be my trail of bread crumbs connecting the past to my future self. (Never mind the birds ate all the bread crumbs ... not sure what that means for me.)

I am finishing up an amazing online course "Unravelling" which has re-ignited my love for photography, journaling, and a whole host of various crafty activities from my past (collages, stamp carving). Part of my intention here is to share my process - not because I'm doing anything that amazing - but hopefully to spread some seeds of creativity and to glean some tips and ideas from others. Community is a real motivator for me. I hope my humble little blog will provide a space for sharing of ideas and not just about art making but also family, self, spirituality, and how to juggle it all gracefully and playfully.
Life is busy with all the to-do lists necessary for a small family, but I don't want to lose sight of the small joys scattered throughout the every day. On that note, I think I should end this rather sweeping introduction with a question for you (yeah, I ignored the header that reads "10 Tips for finding new blog topics" - maybe I ought to check all these tools out?) - Where are you finding joy today?


  1. Hi Lis. I am finding joy in discovering that you started your new blog - and that it is titled "Dandelion Seeds" and that you have your gorgeous photo from Unravelling at the top of it! Nicely done - congratulations.
    -Heather (LTF from Unravelling)

  2. Yay!! You did it! Congrats! I look forward to checking out your blog on a regular basis. I have been thinking about starting a personal blog for myself and this is inspiring me to get it done.

  3. Finding joy today? This! I continue to learn so much from you and find joy, comfort, wisdom, acceptance, and love in your words. Happy, happy, happy about the blog :)

  4. Congratulations! It's lovely. My joy was watching my kiddos dance together half an hour ago - just doing their own thing but loving being watched by us.

  5. Yahoo! Now we are talking ;) Congratulations!

    Today... I'm finding joy in the new beginnings and new dreams...

  6. Hi my darling! I second a couple of the comments above - today, my joy comes from this blog!

    Congratulations! I am THRILLED that it's up and running and it looks beautiful!

    Looking forward to sharing in the inspiration and creativity as these seeds take flight. Lots of love, Fi. xx

  7. Welcome to blogland! I am finding in joy in seeing you run with your dreams :) x

  8. Hello lovely! So thrilled to be standing in the midst of your beautiful field of inspirational dandelion seeds! I experienced some joys today but seeing your new blog is my favourite!

    Sea Glass Bleu

  9. Oh yes, this is lovely. I am tired today but am feeling so uplifted---this space is so reflective of you---even with only one post and it's really great !! Thank you sweet Lisa :)



  10. Lisa, your writing style is as genuine and lovely as your uplifting spirit and support throughout the last eight weeks. Congratulations on getting your blog launched. I look forward to more insight from you. Great, just great!

    How am I finding joy today. I'm getting lost in a book for book club on Wednesday night. I'm hoping to find joy with my camera later today.

  11. You were such an inspiration in the course! Thanks for all your unravelling!

    Definitely will come back and visit - congrats on the new "digs" - it looks great!


  12. Hey Lisa, these are fairly old comments, do you have a newer page? Can't seem to find it.
