
Friday, July 31, 2009

Have Fun Sweet Boy! (and TGIF)

We leave for vacation in a few hours and while I pray for long, lazy, unaccounted chunks of time in which to unwind, right now I am a mess. But I am remembering to breathe, to acknowledge these feelings and know they will soon drift by like big, fluffy clouds.

Today I am Trusting: the wonderful people who will be caring for Moose at doggy camp (that's what I'm telling Cowgirl; it is a small, family run dog day care/kennel on a nearby farm). I went to drop Moose off and the owners reassured me he will have a wonderful time and they were insistent I take off and have fun. They obviously are familiar with helicopter dog owners! And yes, I did leave him with an old t-shirt I had been wearing for 2 weeks ... hopefully, he will smell me and understand I will be back.

I am Grateful for my life that allows us the money and the time to travel. This will be Cowgirl's 3rd beach holiday. I maintain 1 week a year at the seaside is a right of every child. The husband doesn't agree, he says it's a privilege. Well, I am grateful we are so privileged and I will teach Cowgirl never to take these things for granted.

I am Inspired by ... wow ... SO MUCH. I am loving the SARK writing workshop and have been madly making my tags for 52Q project. I have a bunch of blank ones packed away along with paints, markers, glue stick and colored pencils. I hope to use all that free time for small projects. Yeah, I know ... hopefully I will be dozing on the beach, just dreaming of all this creativity.

Happy days ...

I miss you already sweet Moosie boy ... sniff sniff ... maybe I'll write you an ode on the plane ride out ...

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful trip. I wish I lived closer so I could keep Moose for you. I'm wondering, when you get a chance, what do you do with all the tags from th 52Q project? I didn't go back far enough on her blog to answer that question. And, isn't it a right for good friends to have a beach holiday once a year? So why aren't you taking me with you???
