
Friday, July 17, 2009

TGIF For Sure!

Well, no surprise here ...

Today I am Trusting the fairies to continue to spin their magic. I am taking each day to make a step, no matter how small, towards the dreams that have been filling my head and heart these past few months. I am thinking it is like the expression, "tether your camel and then trust in Allah." Meaning, do your part, do your best and then trust the results will be what they need to be. Another way of thinking that has been very healing and beneficial to me is a concept called prasada Buddhi. This means to receive what does result from my efforts or actions as a gift or an offering, prasada - that which was initially given to a higher principal (The Universe, God, Goddess, Fairies - whatever rings true with you) - and returned to me. So I am trusting the magic and trying to cultivate a grateful acceptance for all the gifts that come my way. They usually go way beyond my imagination and at first may seem like gifts from a crazy aunt who likes her wine before shopping. But those gifts end up being the most profound and the most memorable.

Today I am Grateful for the return of my husband after a long 2 weeks apart. I have grumbled about what husbands do and don't do and for the record, I am stating my husband helps me immensely and it was very hard here without him. Cowgirl is thrilled to have her Pop Pop back.

Today I am inspired by this challenge over on Creative Thursday and also by Susannah's contribution to the challenge. As some may know, I dabbled recently in video art and have been feeling the call to try a new piece. Not sure I will join in ... gosh, the gals over at our Unravelling 365 group have kept me on my toes with a self portrait a day project! Yeah, I signed on for a year of taking more pictures of myself. I may need more than the fairies to help me out on that one!

Wishing you an inspired, magic filled weekend. And remember, baby steps, baby steps ...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what is percolating, Lis!
