
Monday, August 31, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

I've been working my way through the list of 52 questions ... I think I'm into May? Anyway, the piece I am up to now asks: What is your current obsession? Which has had me thinking for some time now.

The following is a list of the things occupying my mind and absorbing oodles of my time (meaning my creativity in menu planning, cooking and housekeeping is suffering):

1) Art journaling. Of course, I love any excuse to buy more supplies (Dick Blick's loves me!) and beautiful magazines to cut up for collages. I completed my Unfolding Your Life mini book and I could see this being a great practice to do every 6 months or so, if only to mark the changes in my perspective.

2) Getting outside and photographing all the sunflowers that take over the landscape this time of year. One can never take too pictures of flowers, right? If nothing else, I can use the pictures in my art journal.

3) Photography in general. I am up to day 62 of the 365 day challenge of a self portrait a day. Obviously I am beginning to multitask as today's portrait is a combination of 2 projects: self portrait and guilty pleasure. Yes, I love HBO's True Blood.

4) Cooler weather = knitting! Have dusted off my circulars and am attempting a bag to felt (translation: knit large, sloppy, toss into washing machine and strink the hell out of it! Voila! Lovely objects people will ooh and ah over.) Perhaps this will be the year I get started early on some holiday gift items?

5) Writing writing writing! I signed up to write a poem a day for 30 days to email to another person. Hi poem partner Julee! I hope I am up for the haul.

6) 52Q project which falls under art journaling catagory. But I love it so much, it deserves its own line.

7) Rubber stamps. Examples of which can be seen in #5. Very soothing activity, unless you gouge yourself with the cutting tool!

8) Believe it or not, I am finding time to meditate. Again. Obviously, I need the reminder to stay present and mindful. I am reading and listening to talks on Buddhism and the teachings seem to be sinking in. Or perhaps, I am just ready and in greater need of the guidance.

What are you obsessed with these days? Please share; I'm sure I could do with a few more things on my plate!


  1. Things I'm obsessed by currently:
    1. Being a new poem partner to you! *grin*
    2. Improving my relationships (always)
    3. Getting in charge of me (I've just turned 40 seems like a good time!)
    4. Keeping the deer away from my tomatoes!
    5. Prep for the local art and wine festival by making more funky jewelry!
    6. Love love loving listening to a CD set about Yoga - the spiritual practice
    7. Preparing for Winter quarter's Mermaids & Warriors Classes
    8. Anything with Rooibos in the name!
    9. Simplifying Life
    10. Drawing Faces with Suzi

  2. your blog! and all the blogs you link to! but, darnit, I need to be productive and not read blogs and get all inspired right now. okay- off to clean so the owners can show the condo to future renters. can't wait until creativity and inspiration are my priorities again.

  3. I have a new thing I want to try and I think it's going to be really important for me. But for now I'm obsessed with trying not to resent the demands on my time made by Other Stuff.
    You're doing amazing things! AND meditating? You need to tell me your secret!
