
Monday, October 12, 2009

goddess of small things

In various forums this question keeps coming up for me: what am I the goddess of? I've been stumped. Uncertainty? Change? Transformation? Self Discovery?

Pondering this question, the phrase The Goddess of Small Things popped into my mind. Yeah, a play on the novel title but after an initial chuckle over my tendency to appropriate things, it settled on me and seems right. I am seeking to find magic in the details; heck, I am seeking to notice the details! In my style statement, I came up as a Cherished Creative and I think cherishing is central to my nature and my outlook. I want to savor and cherish every juicy bit life hands to me. The world seems busier and busier and I am rebelling by trying to slow down, feeling okay with telling people no, I need time and space for myself and for family time and then let myself really be here now. (see? I am the goddess of appropriation!)

So details details and more details. Driving home today from school, Cowgirl and I were listening to one of the cds that is probably permanently fused into the player, Dan Zanes "NightTime" which is going on its third year, along with a kids yoga cd called Happy, and more recently, the sound track from Slumdog Millionaire filling out regular rotation. As mind numbing as this is, I hope to never forget this detail from our life. Or how Cowgirl wraps a towel around her head and speaks in a high voice imitating her Grandmother. She then hides behind her dad and drops the towel, popping out to surprise me as if I really believed my MIL had been visiting just moments ago.

I want to remember our nature walks when every stick, stone and piece of scat is scrutinized. Or how Cowgirl hands me things found on the street, informing me it is my clue, as if we were part of Scooby Doo's gang on the trail of a mystery.

And I never want to forget a magical afternoon sharing yoga and art making with a group of girls - my first workshop for Cowgirl Warrior Artists! On a whim I decided to add this workshop to my yoga center's fall calendar. I had been thinking I should have offered another adult class instead; that I probably would find working with the kids too overwhelming and exhausting. Not at all! I was amazed by how smoothly the afternoon went; how fabulously inspired these girls were and how engaging and enjoyable art making in a group can be. I think we miss out not having regular times for sewing, knitting or painting circles. Granted, that's pretty much all girls and women had back in "the old days" but certainly important bonding, growth and maybe even a little subversive activity does place nurtured in a safe circle of support and mutual interest.

So my cowgirls did yoga, collaged, painted rocks and we closed by dancing ... yes, to Dan Zanes. And the detail I want to remember? Besides the joy on their faces, the ease of their laughter and pleasure in just being kids? I want to remember their inspired feet and these rockin' cowgirl boots. So maybe I am the Goddess of Cowgirls? 'Cos all these memories are making me want to kick up my heels and run off yelling Ya HOO!

Yes, power and beauty in small things. That's what I'm into these days.

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