
Friday, October 16, 2009

A long winter

I know, I know, Winter is still a ways away, but with unseasonably cold weather here it feels like December. Plus it has been gray, rainy and just plain dreary. Not that I mind staying inside with a fire going, a good book to read and plenty of tea and cocoa in the pantry but matters get more complicated with a 5 year old who only has High Speed and Off buttons.

So here is a glimpse into what is a mommy's last defense: dancing!

This day I am trusting in my reserves of creativity to keep us active and engaged for the coming months. I am grateful for great music, like Dan Zanes, which has gotten me singing even while stuck in traffic on the way to work. He just puts me in a good mood. And no matter how grumpy I may be, hearing a little voice from the backseat wailing "all around the kitchen cock a doodle doodle doo!" brings an immediate smile to my face.

And inspired? Well I've embarked upon Unravelling Further: Exploring the Senses and it promises to be a juicy, exciting, stimulating, engaging, feast for all my senses. My camera is out and snapping away and my hope is to expand my vision when it comes to photography and hone my personal view.

I would love to know: what do you do when the weather forces you inside?


  1. Hot tea,cedarwood incense,tarot reading,letter writing,something wild and wonderful with a little dancing in between!
    I love that the dog joined in!!

  2. I love this little video! I shall play it to my littlest one tomorrow and we'll dance along with you!
