
Friday, November 6, 2009

Art Day

Cowgirl helping me with my project

I hesitate to post this for fear I someone will stage an intervention for me but yes, I have jumped abroad another 30 day challenge. Normally, the 30 days of November herald the slow but steady build up to the holiday madness that is December. My intention is to savor the holidays this year and not fall victim to the frenzy of consumerism that usually whips my butt - and wallet - into a sorry state. I am embracing the challenge of Art Every Day Month which I am joining a few days late. I reason that I am committed to taking a self portrait every day, so really I am already doing this challenge. But I have had some ideas simmering in my feverish brain and I hope to tackle them this month.

In honor of our Art Month, today Cowgirl and I enjoyed a full day of art play. We met friends at the local art museum for the Friday kids class. Today's project was using watercolors and oil crayons to make a picture inspired by a Chihuly sculpture hanging in the atrium.

After lunch and a rousing game of witches and monsters chasing children in the sculpture garden (mommies being witches AND monsters), Cowgirl and I came home where I began work on my final project for the Goddess Creativity Course.

Work in progress

Today I am trusting in abundance. There is always enough of what I need, whether that be energy, time, inspiration, or monetary resources. The trick is to recognize the difference between wants and needs. I received a package of Japanese paper samples and my tendency would be to hoard each precious scrap, waiting for The Perfect Project which, of course, never materializes. So one of this month's activities is to use these beautiful papers in various collage projects. Here is stage one of some art cards I am making.

Today I am grateful for my health. A good friend has been suffering for over a year with a condition which the many doctors she has seen have failed to accurately diagnosis or treat. Despite the increasing aches and pains of being the ripe age of 7, I am in excellent health and so is my family. And I do not want to take that for granted. Yesterday Cowgirl and I waited in line, outside in cool temperatures for 3 hours so she could get one of the few N1H1 flu shots available through a county health clinic. I felt as if I had been skiing all day; I was that sore and tired. But we met some great people in line and it reminded me that people are kind, good, caring and giving.

And speaking of giving, I am continually inspired by the generosity and enthusiasm of Goddess Leonie. I know I will be seeing the gifts of her ecourse for months to come. To say I have felt inspired, empowered, supported and encouraged is an understatement. She is a beacon of sunshine, bubbly joyfulness and positivity that confirms to me outlook and attitude are the key. As I say to Cowgirl (and she will probably tell me years from now how much this annoyed her): we can choose Happy.

What in your life is giving you joy? How you do plan to spend this holiday season? How do you choose Happy in your day?

A proud artist ready to hang her work

(p.s. For the one person who I may have neglected to tell, Goddess Leonie ran a lovely interview of me and our adoption story on her blog which you can read here. I am so honored and thrilled to be a part of her birthing stories series and to be the first story in the series was a healing gift. Thank you lovely goddess!)


  1. Lovely post. I love the painting cowgirl did! Love the photos and work in progress. I think I'll be putting your blog in my favorites, so that I don't loose you when this AED challenge is complete. Now, I'm going back to look at the links you supplied for us and then I'm going to look at some of your older posts. Enjoy!

  2. Just nipped over and read your interview. It's absolutely wonderful. Your challenge addiction has clearly not affected your ability to inspire.
    Today it is three years since we landed in Nanning, ready to meet our girl on Monday. Magical times. And the magic never goes away. even when - as now - the Magic is bashing the heck out of my Ercol coffee table with a plastic golf club.
    I hope you'll show us lots of your art this month.

  3. What pretty things the two of you have created! I can't wait to see more. Is there any way to join the woman's circle long distance ;) I'll be there in spirit.

  4. Oops, I meant "women's" circle (not a singular circle, of course).
