
Monday, November 30, 2009

Random Thoughts Monday - Again!

Mommy brain or hormones? Well, Mondays seem to be a reset button for my scrambled brain and coherent thoughts are just not my bag these days. So, another sampling from the Poo Poo platter that is my brain:

Where did November go?! Even Cowgirl was amazed to learn the month is almost up. Today also marks the end of Art Every Day Month, one of the seemingly effortless challenges I've posed to myself recently. The trick was for me to acknowledge this was just for fun, no pressure. The greatest joy of this process, besides the nice mound of projects completed this month, is the realization that art every day has become a habit for me. In my spare moments instead of turning on the t.v. or grabbing a magazine, I find myself collaging, writing, knitting and playing. Things went so well, I am considering the Art Every Day challenge for the new year. We'll see if I survive the knitting-until-your-fingers-seize-up month that is December. As any knitter will tell you, a common phenomenon this time of year is to believe you can knit in a month what any sane person would realize would require 4 months.

So this month I finished my Creative Goddess painting; knit a bag,

some wrist warmers and a scarf; made some button wreaths as an adventure into the wonders of Elmer's glue;

created a pile of cards that will be winding their way to some special folk in my life. (shhhh ... a secret!)

Monumental for me is the realization Just Do It! I have wide ambitions and often the scope of my dreams prevents me from starting or finishing a project. So many things I have done lately have been in the spirit of better something now than wistful "I had hoped to ..." dreams or projects. So my creations come into the world, warts and all.

A side gift from this process: I rediscovered a friend from my childhood! We last saw each other - gulp - 27 years ago. Julie, I am still pinching myself! When the dust settles, I need to mine the goodies in her inspiring blog. Art, writing, poetry, family life ... how perfect is all that?!

In other news: we had a grand time at the annual Mother Grandmother tea party this year - the last one as next year Cowgirl will attend public school. To say I was weepy when I realized this fact would be an understatement.

A new member of the household made his appearance over the holiday weekend. Welcome Fred, our house gnome.

If you didn't know this, every home needs a gnome to protect you from the pranks and misbehavior of rogue gnomes and especially those underpant gnomes who thrive on stealing our delicates whiles we sleep. Fred is settling in nicely and left Cowgirl a lollipop this morning as a sign of his gratitude to be here.

Finally, I treated myself to a guidance session with the divine goddess Leonie. Lots of good stuff that I am still processing. I mention it now as she is only booking appointments in December and then will take a break as she prepares for the arrival of her first little goddess babe. I have felt like my life is a kaleidoscope of ideas, feelings, desires and she helped me to pull things into focus and put down some concrete actions to take as I move into my dreams.

A phrase I love from goddess Leonie is Divine Messes. Divinely inspired, inspiring and alive - that's our corner of the world.
What messes are you making in your special corner?


  1. Dissolving into fits of giggles as I can't stop swirling your phrase 'every home needs a gnome' around in my head.

    And MUST adopt the term 'Divine Messes'! As a compulsively addicted furniture/room rearranger, no matter how terrific the vision = it is always much, much worse before it gets better and 'Divine Messes' pretty much nails the process in a nutshell. Thanks. And thanks to Leonie too.

  2. what a fabulous post. i'm so glad you were able to adopt a gentle outlook about the challenge and that it worked so well for you. yay!! thanks for creating along with me during aedm. i think you're fabulous! xo

  3. We're about to have a huge mess on Dec. 13th as we host a cookie decorating party. I wanted to send you an evite, but didn't want you to feel pressured :) Miss you...
