
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today's Wishcasting asks: What do you wish to awaken?

I probably ought to ponder my responses before reading some of the others, because I am always nodding my head thinking "um, yes! That's my wish too!" And then I lumber back to my little blog, trying my best to listen to my heart and answer as authentically as possible. I fumble my way through and have often surprised myself by discovering deeper pockets of truth. But it is an effort.

I realize this challenges me because I doubt myself. So my honest wish is to awaken confidence and trust in myself and in my inner wisdom. I think it is very symbolic that even when I am driving to a new location, following the directions I've been given, I almost always come to a point where I doubt that I have understood everything and I think I may be lost. I am about to turn around when I realize I am okay, I am on course. I also realize that many of the major decisions in my life, the relationship ones (marriage, children, even my animals), there is a moment right after the commitment has been made where I panic and believe I may have made a mistake. What this really is about is a lack of confidence in myself to measure up to the responsibility.

I am done with doubt. I no longer want to be held back because I question myself or what my spirit is telling me. I want to cultivate my intuition AND I want to follow it with a light heart, an open mind and a confident attitude. No longer the Little Engine saying "I think I can, I think I can." I wish to be the engine cheerfully proclaiming "I thought I could, I thought I could!"


  1. As Lis wishes, I wish for her also.

    Well I believe in you! And am happy you are kicking doubt out of your life. It serves no positive purpose.

  2. As Lis wishes, I also wish for her.

    And, may I just say, I'm very glad I checked this after I wrote my own entry...I would totally have gone "Um, yes! That's my wish too!" :-P

  3. As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
    "A light heart,open mind and a confident attitude sounds like a perfect combination for an exciting life where all things are possible. I have no doubt that you will make your wish come true.

  4. ~sounds like you are headed in the right direction...remember your words and shove doubt out the door...walk with confidence in all you Lis wishes for herself so I wish for her too...brightest blessings~

  5. As Lis wishes for Confidence, so I wish for her also.

  6. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Wonderful wish... and I thought I was the only one who, following directions faithfully, thinks that I've messed up or gotten lost!

  7. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  8. As confident trusting Lis wishes for herself, I so lovingly wish this for her also.

  9. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    May you awaken your confidence and walk with trust in your life!

  10. I'm back again...this post particularly meaningful for me these past days as I always doubt myself first - Am I wrong? Is my thinking self-centered or off course? - I've come to realize I must trust what my life has taught me so far. It's not easy to break the old habit.
