
Monday, February 15, 2010


I was not going to post this until I realized if not for "The Challenge" I probably would not have made time for this ridiculously easy and equally enjoyable project. You see, I take these kind of blogging responsibilities quite seriously. Having said I was up for the challenge of trying something new on a regular basis (note: I am not saying weekly!) I did not want to wimp out on my second week.

And it was Valentine's day after all! We had a nice ground blizzard (I had never heard of such things until I moved to the Midwest and yesterday I experienced how Mother Nature can totally whup our butts with some light snow and high high winds) and so the holiday was spent snug at home. Cowgirl was busy watching "Planet of the Apes" with her dad (I know, I know ... she and her dad have a special movie watching relationship that defies any kind of Dr. Spock logic) so I decide to make us some heart necklaces for our combined Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year dinner. I saw these over on the Mermaid's blog and they looked so cute.

Another plus: super easy and fun to make. I think Cowgirl is too young to master the heart shape with scissors but she added some bling to spice them up. I can totally see these made with cute fabrics and more buttons and maybe different shapes like flowers or butterflies for different seasons. But for a quick holiday/snow day project they worked their magic.

And so here I offer what one mama can do with a little paper and yarn ...

Take that mother nature!

(For anyone looking for more magical ways to connect with your child through art, I encourage you to check out McCabe's upcoming ecourse Mermaid Warrior Art Camp 3. Cowgirl and I have done her other camps and they were fantastic. We both love watching the videos and trying out the projects, all of which can be easily adapted to meet varying skill levels and available materials. Check out her blog for more testimonials and videos to give you a taste of what is in store. Cowgirl and I are enrolled ... come on, and join us!)


  1. Those are adorable and I am sure when my daughter gets a little older we will be doing some of that as well :)

  2. ~divine...L♥ve your ♥ necklaces...we made ♥ chains to decorate through the house! sounds like you had an especially sweet day! brightest blessings~

  3. I love that picture of you and your daughter making a heart with your hands. It made me very happy. We've been making garlands here too. They're so much fun, I think. Thank you so much for your wonderful words, it's so good to know that there are people out there who like what I'm doing!

  4. Huh? I'm a maroon... I think I lost my comment but don't want to double post. Beautiful photos is what I said in essence and that I'm going to bookmark that eclass.

  5. Can't wait to join you in the Mermaid Warrior class! Thanks for the encouragement :)
