
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Multitasking: Wishes and Dreams ❀

I keep coming back to the lesson of learning to live in Time rather than fighting against it. No, really, I draw this oracle card on a regular basis! One of the things I have wanted to be more connected to was a sense of natural time: the cycle of the moon, the day, the seasons. So this month I decided to take part in Jamie Ridler's Full Moon Dream Boards. I loved giving myself the two weeks from the new moon to the full moon in order to ponder Jamie's prompt - The Pink Moon and what seeds do I want to plant? What do I want to blossom in my life right now?

Last night I drove home under the almost full moon. I was aware from these days of gathering the images and words for my board of the immense need for me to simplify, slow down and focus. The beauty of the moon reminded me of the power and grace inherent in stillness. This is what I have been craving: to be Still and aware. Awake, Present and Centered. A lot is going on within me and I need time and space to process it all. I want to let the juicy goodness soak in, appreciating the gifts and celebrating the singular beauty of each blossom as it arises in my life. I don't want to rush anything. I want to feel my connection to the natural cycles of life and from that connection let flow my creativity. Flow and grow, that is what I want for myself in this phase of my life.

My Dream Board seems to flow nicely into this week's Wishcasting. I wish to invest in these seeds: Stillness so I can hear the call of my heart; Simplicity so I can see what is around and within me; and Play so I can joyfully express the luminous beauty of this life.


  1. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Such a beautiful wish and lovely lessons from your dreamboard! Wonderful!

  2. Very nice, Lis! I especially like your personal touchs - the drawings and words!

    I hope this Full Moon brings you everything you dream of!

    All the best, EVA

  3. Your dreamboard is just FULL of juicy goodness!

    As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  4. May all the dreams, hidden and unhidden, come to pass quickly and be more than you could have ever hoped for. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  5. As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her as well. Stillness, Simplicity, Play - what a wonderful peaceful way to experience each day!

  6. I love Stand Up and Create! Your dreamboard is filled with powerful words and images.

    As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  7. Flow and Grow - I love that! Best wishes for a cycle of stillness and growth, awareness and playfulness.

  8. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Welcome to the Circle! I'm so glad that this practice is supporting your connection to Natural Time. Blessed be! May all of your dreams come true.

  9. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Wonderful wishes Lis...I love your dreamboard...powerful and beautiful!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  10. I love watching seeds grow.

    As you wish for self, I wish for you also.

  11. Stillness, simplicity and play. What a groovy combination, eh?!

    So much love goes into my wish, alongside you...

    As Lis wishes, so I wish for her also!

    My Wednesday Wishcast....

    (Did you notice my wishcast is right under yours?! Ofcourse! LOL)

  12. as lis wishes for herself i wish for her also!
    i love your board... and the slow down and allow energy.

  13. Very powerful choice of words and images.

  14. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Love your dream board and such a great wish.

  15. Love your dreamboard and allyour words.
    The idea of stillness and slowing down resonate with me.
    As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  16. Love it all!

    As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  17. Your dreamboard is such a beautiful representation of your dreams, and investing in them does go hand-in-hand.

    As Lis wishes and dreams for herself, so I wish and dream for her also. :)

  18. Hey Lis,

    You would love it, it is all Connie's fault of course for getting me going
    send me an email with your own and I will tell you all about it....


  19. Lis, I just love the idea of flow and grow. For me, somewhere in there, I add with ease and simplicity. I can't wait to check out these sites you've mentioned too. And yes, I did sign up for Kelly Rae's ecourse. I've wanted to do exactly what she is offering with her as the instructor for what seems like so long and I cannot wait to get started :)

    best wishes to you!

  20. "flow and grow"...i love that. Such simple words, yet such a compelling truth...I see that you are taking the april in paris course with Marisa from creative thursday! that is so awesome! i loved her last was fabulous! and thank you for all the support over at Art asana! I have sat down to write another post at least three times this week and can't seem to put down what wants to come out...perhaps today it will! it is starting to get beautiful down here on the cape...spring is such a refreshing time of year! have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Dear Lis-I really love this idea of a dreamboard-and all the wonderful things you are inviting into your life. I was wondering if you were going to take Kelly's class? There is such a diverse group of people...I have been wanting to open an Etsy store for such a long time but have been procrastinating...uh, meditating:) this class comes at a perfect time! I also wanted to wish you a very BLISSFULL Mothers Day (as I won't be here). Namaste-Soraya

  22. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I love the imagery/words combo of your dreamboard, some great stuff there.
