
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Leapin' Lizards!

I almost skipped today's Wishcasting as I thought I pretty much covered the subject of leaping here. But as I walked Moose in the golden glow of early morning, new forms of leaping tumbled through my brain.

How to answer: What leap do I wish to take?

I wish to leap into my dreams
To leap into flight
Into my truth
Into my calling &
My passion

I wish to leap over
my fears
notions of lack
rocks of self judgment
the mud puddle of comparison
the quagmire of inertia

But really, when all is said and done, I wish to leap into contentment for all that is available to me right now, as I am, as life presents itself to me.

Santosha or contentment is one of the foundational principles in the Yoga Sutras. To understand contentment, the opposite state or discontentment is often considered. Attachment and desire drive discontentment. Feeling a lack, believing what is out there will make me happy/better/more fulfilled only deepens my sense of discontent. To be free from grasping, desire, a sense of incompleteness is to experience Santosha and a happiness that cannot be effected by outside conditions.

Santosha, or the practice of content-ment, is the ability to feel satisfied within the container of one's immediate experience. (Donna Farhi)

When at peace and content with oneself and others (Santosha), supreme joy is celebrated. (Nischala Joy Devi)

Supreme joy ... yeah, I wish to leap into that.

(you could say I also leapt into a new challenge - Thank you Lisa! - of 21 days of yoga practice and writing. I am ready to commit ... or be committed!)


  1. rocks of self judgment
    the mud puddle of comparison

    so, beautiful!

    as you wish yourself, i wish for you!

  2. Beautiful!
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!!!

  3. Your wishes are great and especially your leap overs. As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  4. beautiful. i often struggle with contentment.

    as lis wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

  5. My wish is that your wish comes to pass. And, even though I don't often participate in Wishcasting any longer, it's something in the air because I wrote about leaping just today! Leap! Leap! Leap!

  6. Love, love, LOVE this!

    As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  7. Hey! We join a new challenge TOGETHER again! How/why am I not surprised!!

    And brava, my love, for contentment. Right there with you... so grateful Moose took you on a walk so that you could make this discovery. LOL.

    As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Since you read my wishcast, here is Day 1 of 21 Day Challenge.

  8. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    This is beautiful..and I especially love this simple sentence. Carrying it with me today...

    Attachment and desire drive discontentment.

  9. As Lis wishes for herself so I wish for her as well.

  10. Leap and the net of contentment will appear! As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  11. I've been struggling with these three for a long long time: "rocks of self judgment
    the mud puddle of comparison
    the quagmire of inertia"

    Lately I've been feeling very content and yet my hypercritical side refuses to allow me to just relax and enjoy it. It says I should be doing THINGS, striving to be better, when all I honestly want to do is just enjoy this space and time with my new daughter. I think I need to let go. Release the ambition for awhile and just allow myself to be.

    Thanks for the post at my blog! It's funny you should mention adding my blue moon mama photo to my banner. I must have been doing that as you posted your comment. I put up a new banner a little while ago. It's not perfect but I like it. I have to accept that nothing will ever be PERFECT :). I'm also going to keep living with my two column layout. I like that it's got a decent sized type that makes it easier to read and isn't too busy. If we all rush out & make 3 column layouts then the blogging world will lose it's unique flavor. Thanks for your wonderful feedback!

  12. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
    What wonderful wishes - the leap for contentment, and passion and over fears - may you achieve all you dream of and seek!

  13. As Lis wishes for herself I also wish for her.

  14. Beautiful words! I just love the image of a "mud puddle of comparison". It is perfect.

    This is my first visit to your blog from our flying lessons. So glad I did!

  15. Oh you beautiful woman, ...may every word of this find its way into your heart and radiate into your life.

    And may one of the two of us remain sane as we continue to take on new challenges so that we may comfort the other.

    (Thanks for the mention!) ;)

  16. I like that you want to leap over fears.... As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  17. your leap - and the poetry you created to describe it is beautiful. and I alway love learning more terms that come from yogo - Santosha...ah sweet contentment. As Lis wishes for herself, I wish also for her.

  18. i am just loving this post, lis! so beautiful & inspiring! thank you! it's just what i needed to read :)

    see you in flying lessons!

  19. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I love your words about what you wish to leap over and past.

  20. Love this pic and your heartfelt words!

    I'd love to answer the qu you asked me but I can't see your email addy here. you can email me at nichohn (at) gmail (dot) com.

  21. What a wonderful post Lis-Love the pic too. So full of life! Commit or be committed? Sounds like a good plan for me too!1 A few words on the 3 template layout-I guess the main reason to use it is to fit in more info but it's also supposed to be more visually appealing because it is balanced. How are the Flying Lessons going I am so loving it. Have to catch up with all the comments though. So much to read and research! Hope you have delightfully wonderful weekend!

  22. great post and awesome pic! As Lis wishes for herself, I wish for her also!
