
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Making memories; creating identity (& some Best Shots)

Cowgirl and I just spent the weekend attending a Chinese Heritage camp. Last year she attended a culture camp with her friend Ava, whose family we met while in China 4 years ago. This year's camp was different in that it is for families brought together through adoption with parents attending workshops and volunteering for various support duties throughout the weekend. While Cowgirl's story is her own to tell, what I am taking away with from this weekend is the power of older children and young adults as role models for my child. As a mother, I am aware of my responsibility to provide situations where my daughter can have contact with positive and supportive individuals with whom she can identify with and who inspire her. This past weekend I watched her fall in love with her counselors and be enthralled by the culture of her birth country.

the final event was dim sum at a local Chinese restaurant

It was an amazing experience to walk into a room and be the minority; I was a volunteer in an art class and with the same group of third graders in the Culture Village where music, craft, food and costume displays were set up for the kids to experience. To see the children excited to learn about their heritage and celebrate their connectedness was a privilege. These kids did not know each other before this weekend and yet they all fell into a camaraderie that was effortless and intense. Cowgirl was particularly smitten by her counselors, young adults who volunteer their time to work with these kids with a desire to give back to their community. The community being Chinese-American but also adoptive.

the kids enjoyed a field day with sponge races, sled pulls and lots of water play

There is so much for me to process from the weekend and Cowgirl and her best buddy have been in perpetual motion, so I haven't had the chance to catch my breath never mind shift through my thoughts and feelings. We have more travels ahead as we are off to visit family for a couple of days before heading home. We will be returning tired and worn out but from having a full out balls-to-the-wall level of fun that only a five year old is capable of maintaining. We added onto our Life book, the story of our Family which began 4 years ago this past week when we received Cowgirl's referral picture and report from China. Much of what Cowgirl experienced seemed to skim over her, but I believe seeds were planted that will support her as unravels her identity and begins to map out her story. a Memories were made, positive impressions planted and Cowgirl found the love of her life and his name is Eddie.

Cowgirl with two of her counselors, ready to embrace her Eddie

the grand finale: each grade performed a folk tale or song; here the girls are enacting "Pulling the Carrot"

The first night families gathered at a splash park to cool off; Cowgirl was in her element

Summer is in full swing ... do tell, what are your plans for fun? What summer memories are you planning to create?


  1. awesome shots! i love love love that last one of your little cowgirl. what a precious look on her face. that's pure joy. we just returned from our summer travels so now it's back to the grind at work (yes, i'm blog surfing when i should be working ;-)

  2. What a fabulous, open way to have the best of both worlds. Cowgirl is lucky to have you as a mom. Unlike some adoptive children, you can't hide the fact that biologically she came from somewhere else. It sounds like you've networked into a very supportive extended family, and what a tremendous learning experience for you too.

  3. I love the last shot, the express on her face is great!

  4. wow.
    this is so completely beautiful.
    especially that last shot of cowgirl.

  5. what a beautiful story - an incredible gift you're giving to her...wonderful photos!

  6. These are just wonderful - made my heart sing for her!

  7. what an amazing experience for her, and you! you're a wonderful mama.

  8. oh so lovely, great photos or such a lovely day for you guys. She is lucky to have such a loving and wise mamma.

  9. cowgirl is so beautifully herself!

    our plans are to pretend we are on vacation every day that it is not raining for at least one the river. :)

  10. so cute- she looks so happy- the pics playing in the water especially! ahhhh...summertime! :)

  11. Love the photos, particularly the last one. She looks so joyful! This sounds like an amazing experience.

  12. Wonderful photos and what a great experience!
