
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Exciting Announcements & Painting with a Purpose update

I am excited to announce the winner of our first Painting with a Purpose Friendship Fish painting is the lovely and loveable Fiona, a fellow Unraveller and creativity cheerleader if there ever was one! Fishie is receiving some finishing touches and then she will be swimming all the way over to the Isle of Jersey. How exciting - an international fish! Congrats Fi!

Not wanting to leave anyone out, I decide to expand the drawing to anyone whose name appears on the honor roll over on my Half the Sky Pledge page in addition to comments here or emails. I know not everyone's name is on the honor roll, so be sure to contact me to get your name in for the next drawing! We love hearing from you, so please do continue to drop in on Fridays when we reveal our next painting and lend your written support. As of today, we have $530 towards our goal of $600 so no donation is too small to make a difference. And we would love to surpass our goal which means additional sponsorship for a child in need. Remember, you only have to make a donation once, but there are three more chances to win (and who knows? I may add a bonus week!)

In other exciting news, I am one of twenty women collaborating on a new blog called Unravelling Together. After taking Susannah Conway's incredibly inspiring e-course Unravelling, a group of us continued together on a daily or weekly self portrait project. One year later, we have paired up and each set will be presenting a photographic diptych to the blog on a regular basis. Week one is up and some lovely images are in place.

Week One diptych with my partner, Kerstin's photo on the left and mine on the right. To see future offerings, you'll have to check out the blog!

Finally, there is more inspiration to be found over at Dirty Foot Prints Studio. To celebrate her one year anniversary of her studio, Connie is spotlighting a different Art Journaler each day in a feature called 30 Journals 30 Days. Guess who will be occupying July 16th? Each profile offers oodles of inspiration including links to each artist's list of favorite art journalers and creative sirens. Be sure to check it out.

Is is just me, or does it feel like creativity is in full bloom everywhere this summer?

Cowgirl's Zinnia today; it started out like this:


  1. Wow! So much creativityhappening! The courses sound wonderful.
    I am sending my cheque tomorrow Lis - finally! In the amount of $75 Canadian, so it should put you at about #600. You two have done so well with your fundraiser! Loving the pix by your daughter!
    And love BIG!

  2. I feel the creativity blooming all around us, too. I love all your projects. It was wonderful finding you through the Artistic Mother group and then Kelly's class.

  3. ~a heart of gold you have and you are filling your cowgirl with the same...i popped over to your new little space and l♥ve the idea and photos to go along...may your dreams continue to bud and bloom...such a beautiful gift you behold...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  4. What a wonderful lesson you are teaching your sweet cowgirl...and having fun together. The new blog sound exciting...I will check it out. And I have been meaning to donate and will do it now!
    May your wonderful creativity continue to bloom!! Namaste.
