
Friday, July 16, 2010

Painting with a Purpose: Week 3 Giveaway! (and art overload)

I cannot believe we have completed three pieces for Painting with a Purpose and we've already surpassed our goal! This week we have a 8 by 10 inch Joyful Giraffe ready to be yours! If you've made a donation already, then leave a comment today to be entered into the drawing. (If your name appears on the honor roll or I have your name from previous weeks, you are still in the drawing!) Cowgirl will draw a name on Monday and I will announce the winner on Wednesday.

Cowgirl and I are have so much fun making our paintings together that I've decided we will do a total of 5 (because Cowgirl is five) and extend the campaign through the end of July. That means there will be two more paintings to win! Even though we've exceeded our goal, I would love to go beyond. So, if you haven't made a donation yet, there is still time! Simply click on the badge to the right of this page that reads: DONATE NOW. And when you donate, your name will be entered into our drawing each week - so a donation today means two changes of winning. Just be sure to either sign the honor roll on my pledge page, leave a comment here or email me: lishofmann(at)novia(dot)net.

I know everyone is feeling the pinch of our current economic climate, but no donation is too small. Every dollar counts! Each act of love fills a bucket that will overflow as long as we keep adding our drops. I wanted to share this story from HTS's website:

Holding up Half the Sky
One day an elephant saw a hummingbird lying on its back with its tiny feet up in the air. "What are you doing?" asked the elephant.

The hummingbird replied, "I heard that the sky might fall today, and so I am ready to help hold it up, should it fall."

The elephant laughed cruelly. "Do you really think," he said, "that those tiny feet could help hold up the sky?"

The hummingbird kept his feet up in the air, intent on his purpose, as he replied, "Not alone. But each must do what he can. And this is what I can do."
— A Chinese Folktale

The name Half the Sky also comes from a Chinese saying "Women hold up half the sky." I am witnessing so many amazing women lifting their arms, raising their creative voices and hands to bring inspiration, hope and healing into their lives. By sharing their stories - your stories because each of you who come here and leave me a comment, link me to your wonderful world - bring light into our hearts and minds.

This is what Cowgirl and I can do: we can paint our hopes and our dreams and send them out to nudge free your smiles, your laughter, and your dreams for a world where every child is loved, every child matters. And that includes the child within each of our hearts!

I hope you will take a moment to watch this brief, but beautiful video about the various programs Half the Sky Foundation offers to the orphaned children of China. And when you are done, let us know what your little legs can do. We are here, holding up our corner, won't you join us?
Our Joyful Giraffe is ready to come to your home!

And as if the Art a-Thon isn't keeping me busy enough, here are some other exciting programs and projects I've just learned about and am considering joining. (Yes, I reaching critical creative mass and am uncertain of what will occur when I blow!)

Thanks Lisa and Nolwenn for sharing information about The Sketchbook Project:

Janice, you always get me into trouble! Learn about a free (!) Inspiration Staycation
being run by Kim Klassen who has lots of inspiring things to share over on her blog Kim Klassen Cafe.

And yes, I am also doing Creativity 101 by Andrea at ABC Creativity which is also FREE people!

Oh, oh and don't forget to check out 30 Journals, 30 Days where later today yours truly will be featured! There are loads of yummy videos to watch, links to get lost in and buckets of inspiration to keep everyone busy making art this summer.

Think about it - if everyone was busy making art, what kind of world would we be creating? Perhaps a world filled with Joyful Giraffes?

Please help me spread the word about Painting with a Project. We don't want to slow down now!


  1. Hi, I just stopped by to say that I think it's wonderful that you and your daughter are being creative together. I come via dirty footprints and just read your short bio. Great work and continued joy and happiness. Take care. Nice blog.

  2. Aww, I like the Joyful Giraffe!

    Congratulations on surpassing your goal!

  3. Yes, overload is right. How can I possibly find/make the time to do all of these amazing projects? I'm so glad you get to take advantage of so many of them.

    Also, you should run the pledges for our community radio station. Already exceeding your goal? You girls rock!!

    Joyful Giraffe makes me :)


  4. Love the joyful giraffe!
    My donation is on the way!
    What a wonderful programme.
    Lots of creativity around that's for sure. Not sure what else I am able to take up!
    Take care, both of you!

  5. Lisa and Cowgirl!! What wonderful, beautiful paintings you are making!!! And Lisa, I love your photos -- your girl is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. It is great to get a glimpse of all the wonderful things you're up to. We're still waiting, waiting, though we've been told we're likely to travel to Taiwan in Aug./Sept. I will believe it when I see it. Melissa xox!!

  6. You and cowgirl create such joyful pictures! Congrats on reaching your fund raising goal and going beyond! I love the Chinese parable--so much wisdom in a simple story. Hasta pronto!

  7. a world full of joyful giraffes would be a wonderful world indeed. i REALLY LOVE that chinese folktale you shared. that is wonderful. i can just picture a sweet little bird holding up the sky. just read your 30 days 30 journals post too! you are a busy girl! off to make a small donation.
