
Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer fun (and my Best Shots)

How is it July is well underway and I feel like summer has only just begun? One vacation down, one more to look forward to! I am still searching for that sense of lazy days of summer, but so far my days have felt more like this:

i am getting pretty good with the chinese yo-yo

Enough time as passed for Cowgirl's seedling to grown into 3 full green beans:

And while I run around tending to all of our various projects, Cowgirl is busy being the social butterfly.

impressing a new friend with her soda gargling skills (she spilled more than she drank; he was smitten)

It seems like summer is a juggling act between play and more play; lots of gatherings with family and friends to keep us on the move and then the usual list of unexpected events (a flat tire, a sick dog, a broken air conditioner - all in one week!) Often the end of the day finds me feeling spent, but in the way Cowgirl exhausts herself: from packing in all the sunshiny goodness.

And always, there is time to unwind in our favorite way - Spa Night! The big tub, soothing jets, new bubble bath and splashes of icy cold water refresh even the most exhausted among us.

this is a game that could go on for hours: sitting by the faucet and repeatedly splashing cold water into her face, squealing with delight and thrashing all around. the joy is infectious!

(I know - how much longer will she let me get away with bathtub shots? Sigh ... the fleeting joys of a mama and her camera!)

Check out more images of summer here: Unravelling Together (My latest diptych contribution is up!) And later today, Cowgirl will select the winner of our latest painting, Celebration Elephant. I'll announce the winner on Wednesday, along with a sneak peak of the next piece we will be giving away.

How does your summer look so far? Is it lazy or crazy or a bit of both?


  1. very cute shots. i love the one of the little boy being smitten by your sweet little cowgirl. perfect! our summer is flying by way too fast too. not sure where all the time goes, but it goes back way too quickly!

  2. oh you did capture some fantastic moments! I love the image in front of the window.
    Summer has been busy, exhausting, but a fun way to become exhausted. Thank you for coming by today, I love making new connections!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Lisa, I need your mailing address!
    I need to mail my yoga fee from last Sunday. I won't be at yoga for a while....

  5. Beautiful summer moments....
    I love the silhouette... feels so "warm" and inviting... but a sense of adventure too.
    And the soda & park bench giggles? Forget about it. I"M smitten ;)
    I can just hear the giggles...
    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my blog!
    So nice to 'meet' you ~

  6. I love the bathtub shots! I still have a picture of my brothers and me in the tub together when I was about 3 ;)
