
Monday, August 16, 2010

august 16 - gifts

On my morning walks, I have been receiving many wonderful gifts from Mother Nature. Always in the middle of the sidewalk, so I am certain not to overlook them. Here is today's offering:

Pay attention! You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive, and use your abilities.

What is called for here is an intuitive ability to discern the message carried within the cry of Hawk. The shrillness of Hawk's call pierces the state of unawareness, and asks you to seek the truth. (Jamie Sams & David Carson, Medicine Cards)

(another wonderful texture by Kim Klassen)


  1. Jamie I love her cards! So powerful, these gifts can be, can't they?

  2. Oh yes! I love when nature hands us gifts to be appreciated and shared. Thanks for sharing this with me. :)

  3. I don't have the words to express what I'm feeling right now but wanted to let you know that I've been here...and that I am deeply, deeply touched by this. That's all (and that's everything).

  4. Brilliant! It was feather day, obviously. And I have freckled skin too :)

  5. That is wonderful that you are welcoming nature's gifts, and picking their message up as you go along. Nature shares many messages, and it is wonderful to see them in purpose and appreciate them. Much love - Ana

  6. what lovely gifts nature offers if we only open our eyes!

  7. Gorgeous photo & a wonderful sentiment! Thanks for the lovely comments at my blog. Nora has been surprisingly good thru her teething tribulations but her sleep schedule change has been rough. We'll get thru it ;). I am so looking forward to seeing what you & cowgirl create for Nora. Shall I make my donation through your badge on the blog? Hope you are enjoying your return home!

  8. that's great that nature offered that, and that you were awake and present enough to see and appreciate it! i love bird feathers!!

  9. What a gift, Lis! I adore signs like these to help us find our way. Thanks for sharing.


  10. I love when Mother nature gives us gifts like these, so beautiful.
