
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

august 18 - honesty

When I told my mother I wanted to learn to sew, her sage advice was: Just follow the directions.

I've come to realize the problem is, I hate following instructions.

Ah, honesty - it would save me a lot of time and heart ache. (Lesson learned: if you find cheap cloth napkins, buy them because cutting out perfect sized squares and then sewing in rick rack is no small feat!)

your eyes are not deceiving you - that is 19 cent rick rack from my mother's sewing stash which goes to show some things are genetic ...

And yes, I am in yet another online course which does have some fabulous projects coming if I can get past these napkins. (Never mind that one meal with Cowgirl entails numerous napkins, so which is more environmentally friendly? Running the washing machine or tossing out numerous squares of paper?) And no, I did not call my sponsor before signing into Paypal (hello, my name is Lisa and I am an online ecourse addict.)

Want to join me? The course is still open and thank goodness the projects tutorials will be available for one year. I'm sure I'll still be here trying to cut out these blasted napkins! But next project is a tote bag and a girl can never have enough bags.


  1. I'm in awe of all you do and accomplish! I've had a love-hate relationship with sewing and right now we're not talking. Maybe someday we'll get back together.

  2. I got a very sewing machine as a gift after having Nora and I don't even know how to turn it on. I've always done my sewing (just pillows) by hand. I'd love to take this course but I've spent my allowance for the month lol. What does the course cost? I couldn't seem to find the info on the site.

  3. Oh! I have been thinking about sewing lately, too. :)

  4. Hi, I'm Danielle and I just wanted to thank you for the postcard. Its been so much fun receiving these in the mail. Take care.

  5. Oh I love that vintage rick rack! The sewing class sounds really, really tempting. But I probably should resist the urge as I have enough on my plate already. Looking forward to the photos of your next projects, though!

  6. Lis,

    Looking forward to seeing all that you do in this class.

    I was wondering if you could email me your thoughts about the Painting BIG class you took from Connie at DirtyFootprints Studio.


  7. So, yeah...I hate following directions, too. I would love to mom used to beg me to learn. She bought me the cutest little machine even. But I refused. I said it was boring.

    I wish I would have listened to my Mom!

  8. It's just a square - you can conquer a square! And like anything, measure twice and cut once. Press when they say to press. French seams are better than normal hems. hmm... what else? Oh yeah, funky printed fabrics make it so much fun!!! Good luck.
