
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

august 31

It seems like every month, I commit myself anew to living a more mindful life, prioritizing those things that nourish my spirit, fill me up with energy and inspiration and enhance the world of my family. The end of the month often finds me wondering what happened to some of my intentions? But what has shifted for me is a lack of judgment: rather than bemoan where I went off the tracks, I simply start again.

june 10 - 345/365

I guess that is living my yoga off the mat.


  1. Hi Lis! Are you signing up for a year of Goddess goodness with Leonie? I enjoy your posts so much. I am learning to soften my negative self-talk when I don't fulfill my intentions. It helps.

    Hugs to you and Cowgirl,

  2. I've been feeling kinda guilty about not accomplishing my goals this month...thanks for helping me drop the guilt and just recommit to my intentions. I love the photo! XOXO

  3. yes, yoga mat!! yoga is so challenging- sometimes just to sit on the mat. but i keep at it. i know how important that is. did you do that beautiful photograph?

  4. Well, as many times as I wanted to jump in here with something pithy, all I can say is YES. That is exactly how I feel. I start again. Pick myself up, do my best to let go of the shadow of a voice speaking judgment and harshness and blame in the very back of my head. I think of putting one foot in front of the other, breathe, welcoming the change of each and every second. Well said!

  5. I love this post! I so agree with its message! Yay to you for dumping the guilt and committing yourself anew. I could do with some of that too.

  6. I love the photograph in this stands as a good reminder! I often spend a lot of energy "bemoaning" what I didn't do in terms of staying on track with my intentions....definitetly energy I could be using to just "start again" as you so wisely recommend. So here's to September and starting again!

  7. Oh I know exactly what you mean. Just keep trying... just keep trying. I tell myself that a lot. PS - I have a new blog. PPS - I would like to talk to you about your adoption process... I'll probably be sending an email your way.

  8. Oh Lis, how absolutely beautiful.
