
Friday, August 6, 2010

august 6 (and a retreat reflection)

If I can only do one thing right now, what would that be?


That's my reflection and summation for this week.

Enough said ... back to my retreat ...

stage one of my painting for BIG: "How does it feel to be me?"

my goddess & i are resting ... waiting to see what happens next.

Oh, I did take a break to drive downtown to watch the Tibetan Monks of Gaden Shartse Monastery working on a colored sand mandala dedicated to Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Cowgirl enjoyed trying out the techniques herself.

Okay, seriously, all that color has me itching to paint (and to spurge on some new colors!)

What one thing do you want to do right now? Why aren't you doing it?


  1. Lis, LOVE the photo of you 2 goddesses hanging out together..... The sand mandala's are gorgeous huh? Such patience needed. Your daughter looks so comfortable creating hers. Lots of <3. Sandy

  2. Oh my goodness, I love your BIG painting! What a goddess you created! That photo is fabulous. I've been taking lots of shots today for August break--ice cream was my theme! Have a great weekend! XOXO

  3. ~is the painting of you and the bounty of blessings that are overflowing in your life...and cowgirl by the river!?! lis this is a gorgeous painting...i l♥ve the larger size of it...makes a beautiful statement...the colors so warmings yet vibrant...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  4. What a gorgeous, huge painting! You are a goddess!
    Love the sand manadala as well. What wise words at the end. thanks for sharing them.

  5. I want to give you a BIG OLE HUG! And I'm not doing it arms aren't big enough to reach you. To my fellow Yoga Goddess, MUCH love.

  6. Thanks for leaving a post on my blog, had to come see yours. Your painting is wonderful very inspirational.

  7. You and your goddess resting together is priceless!!!! Love that image :) If I could be doing anything right now I think it would be working on a creative project. Thanks for the reminder of what is important!


  8. oh my! it's BIG! how much fun was that to do?! excellent. love the scattering of the flowers.
