
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Painting with a Purpose: Xie Xie (thank you)

august break: august 4

The final winner of our Painting with a Purpose Inspiration Tiger is:

Congratulations Melissa! I will be contacting you about delivery. (I just remembered we are in the year of the Tiger and I am a Tiger, so this piece was a fitting conclusion to our project!)

To date, we have raise over $800 and while the give away portion of the campaign has ended, the pledge drive for Half the Sky Foundation continues until the end of August. So if you wanted to donate but didn't get a chance, you can still contribute by clicking on the Donate Now button located over to the right of this page. Right now, thanks to everyone's support, we will be sponsoring a baby or a preschooler for one year and we will all be one family!

Cowgirl and I are very excited to have received our first commission for an original work of art! We are thrilled and honored to have received such a request. We have asked our patron (I just had to write that!) to make a donation to charity as payment. If anyone is interested in a similar arrangement, we would love to talk to you!

We are truly overwhelmed and grateful for the love, support and shout outs we have received during the past month. You all have encouraged us to dream big and I cannot thank you enough for that. Word fail me, so here is a visual Thank You from the bottoms of both our hearts. (Best to view in expanded screen to read the text.) Enjoy.


  1. this is amazing!
    you are true heroes.

  2. Dear Lis-you are amazing and so is your sweet as a buttercup girl! I am so proud of you both. Truly! But more than that..what really makes my heart weep in gratitude is that you CARE!! I think so many times it is easy to become complacent. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the sheer number/depth/ breadth of atrocities in the world. I try to breathe and remember that even a small act has huge impacts. I loved the video you made as well. It is so great that you are teaching your daughter how to give, how to help, that she can make a difference. I think that is an amazing thing . Congrats on the commission too!! And you can say out loud to everyone that you have a patron:) How big is the smile on your face (and in your heart)right now?
    Thanks for the sugar tips-lots to think about. Tar eats very healthy-lots of fruit, veggies, yogurt. NO JUNK (She is only 18 months old) . I just worry for later on in school. With childhood obesity/diabetes etc.
    Yes, the gremlins came to visit. And they brought suitcases too:) Lots of baggage and...thinking they were going to stay! Thanks so much for all your words of encouragement Lis-they mean the world to me. I am back to being busy busy I kicked them out!! xxx

  3. Enjoy your slow August...relaxing and enjoying this last month of summer.

  4. It IS amazing. You've shown what the power of one, two souls can do. Congratulations! It's so very inspiring

  5. What an inspiring video! Yes - art does save lives and connects us all!
    Can't wait to see what's next!

  6. YOU are amazing! It is so inspiring to see what you and your adorable daughter have accomplished! The art pieces are so lovely! And now you're doing commissions--how perfect! Your cowgirl is so lucky to have a Mom like you! XOXO Gina

    p.s. I love that little foot!

  7. Lis, you and Cowgirl TOTALLY ROCK!! I love your projects. Awesome.

  8. This is absolutely AWESOME girls!! I'm so happy....and I got goose bumps thinking all this happen due to the power of painting!

    Big hugs and here's to changing the world!!

  9. Oh Lis, the video is just wonderful, it made me cry ( in a good way). I feel really honoured to know such a loving, compassionate, awe inspiringly creative, motivated person :) The world needs more people like you xxx

  10. Ohhh, soooo beautiful! I am so glad to be a part of this project. And we'll support a child for a whole year?? WOW!

    (I like that commission idea, too. Hmmm...)

  11. Lis! I love what you are doing. Your passion is contagious ha, ha ;) you are an inspiration and I'm proud to be a part of your tribe...

    Love :*

    I'm waiting for video making tutorial!
    Thanks for commenting on my new blog :) I wanted to share but was too busy with other things (like taking photos of sleeping children for the August break ha, ha)

  12. so proud of you and inspired by you and your cowgirl
