
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Monday: Creativity's Gifts

fabric print by Marisa Haedike

Something powerful is happening ...

I cannot articulate it yet, but little shoots of hope and excitement are sprouting within me and a quiet confidence - which is not my normal state - is settling around my shoulders. I am recognizing my being as a Cherished Creative perfectly describes who I am and how I live my life. I celebrate and cherish the richness of this life through acts of creativity. In turn, the act of creating opens up my heart and eyes to the deep truths of my life and all that is offered to me. I am feeling less frantic or anxious about creating as I find old fears that inspiration might dissipate, now are dissolving in the light of this truth: Creativity is who we are; Creativity patiently awaits her chance to flow through all who are willing to open and trust her power. Sounds a bit like trusting Love: we have to become vulnerable and risk wounds in order to grow and be transformed.

I want to start a new practice on Mondays of giving thanks to the gifts of Creativity as it manifests in my life. I would love for all to join me each week, sharing in the celebration of the gifts you created or received or recognized through your art and your life. Art resides in the details. Share us what you've discovered.

Here is my offering; some images from the past two weeks that I wish to celebrate and cherish:

a new day: last morning at Squam

Cowgirl on her sixth birthday

documenting her day

end of a day


  1. LOVE reading the post, the energy of your words and creative expression and would LOVE to join your celebration and gratitude fest here on Mondays!

  2. can't wait to see where it all takes you.

  3. I found your blog through our new unravelling class - so excited for you that you got to go to Squam - it's definitely a big goal of mine. Great blog!

  4. Beautiful pictures! I am grateful for the gift of meeting you :)

  5. Such beautiful pictures. The stillnes of the first one and the clothes peg one have really captured me today. I feel something bifg is brewing too and can't wait to see where it takes me.

  6. ~lis...i l♥ve your idea and would be honored to join along with your "Mondays of giving thanks to the gifts of Creativity"...a simple beautiful way to reflect upon what has come to be in our lives...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  7. Love those feet - all those feet! Why don't you start a Mr. Linky thingie for your Monday theme? I will participate as I can, Mondays being one of my downtown-working-days (read: fraught with stess, long hours and general malais). I would like to have something to strive for though.... :-)

  8. Dear Lis-I can feel the excitement and quiet confidence that exudes from this post. I think that you are in exactly the center of your creative life...right now. I have heard so many things about Squam and would love to go some day. It sounds as if it maybe worked it's magic on you? I love all your pics BTW...happy b-day to Cowgirl...Feet and cameras and jumping + clothes pegs! Too delicious:)And that's a fantastic idea-making time and space to celebrate our creativity.

  9. I'd love to join you for Creative Gifts on Mondays. I'm not in a particularly creative place right now but maybe joining in would help. Hope I can find the inspiration!
