
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

random notes wednesday (checking in)

I am feeling like one of Santa's elves: overworked, underpaid and on a tight schedule! Besides getting ready for Squam next week, I am busy working on a lesson plan for an upcoming art journaling online workshop. I will be one of 21 artist's presenting a tutorial, and based upon the descriptions from each participant, it is going to be a jam packed program filled with juicy ideas and techniques guaranteed to knock your socks off! I will post course details as soon as I have them.

I am also preparing for Cowgirl's birthday party. I am finding it hard to wrap my brain around the fact she will soon be six! Let me tell you, planning a kid appropriate and budget-friendly party is no small feat. Some moms make it look easy, but me? You will see me sweat. Summit on Global Warming - that is a cake walk in comparison. We are talking about keeping a herd of six and seven year olds busy and happy for 2 hours. I have a few successful parties under my belt, but I never assume it will be easy. (Ask me about the year I had them decorate pumpkins AND their cupcakes - oh yeah, mayhem with paint and sprinkles.)

To top it all off, I had some dental work done today and for the better part of the day I felt like the left side of my head had morphed into Elephant man with drool. Not pretty, but I worked through it. (Hey, I even recorded my art tutorial video! And to anyone who think making a video would be much easier than writing up a lesson plan with pictures, let me just say this: lots and lots and lots of outtakes! My hat is off to you divas of the "how-to" films.)

So after this crazy day - which included martial arts class - I did what all good mommies do: filled the giant tub with bubbles and had a mini-spa night with my girl. My girl who is, by the way, a budding writer. Today she came home with a drawing from art class and across the top was her first full sentence in writing on her own:

"We love dogs."

Yes, we do!

Sounds like a good opening line for a future novel, doesn't it?

How has your week been treating you? We want to know:

And here's a great question from my mother after seeing Eat, Pray, Love: what three countries would you choose to live in for one year? I am still considering my answer.


  1. I'm right there with you on the birthday planning. You forgot to mention the Halloween planning that should be staring about now, too. It's a shame we are too far apart for our girls to come to each others parties. I am planning a family party pre-Taiwan and a friend party post-Taiwan. How insane does that sound?? Good luck with those little details. I'm sure it will be one more successful party you can add to the collection.
    p.s. I'm eating mini chocolate chips straight from the bag right now. You know me so well :)

  2. I was just about to email you to see how you're doing since I hadn't heard from you in awhile. It sounds like you've got your hands full!! :) good luck with the party planning. I'm sure it will be a big success & I can't wait to hear about the eclass you're working on!

    I started Blogging Your Way & so far I'm loving it. It does have me rethinking my blog appearance & considering a switch to blogger. Wordpress is great but not easy to customize.

    Hmm, countries I'd like to live in: Scotland, Italy, France

  3. Hi Lis...I see that you are BUSY BUSY BUSY! Wow-cowgirl is SIX?!!! That must make you so happy and sad all at the same time! If only we can slow down time...just a little! Yeah...that does sound pretty nerve wracking...keeping those little tykes busy, entertained and happy:) I can't wait to hear all about it and see pics! Congrats on your participation in the Squam workshop too..that sounds like super fun and interesting:)
    Where would I love to live for a year? So many places..I think Italy...the food, the art, the culture..I would be in heaven:)

  4. Well,first of all,may I be top of the list for the art journal workshop?? :) Can't wait for more details! GOOD LUCK with all that party planning-I'm sure it will be fabulous!In keeping with the alliteration used for locations from EatPrayLove: Paris,Penang&Phuket.

  5. That group portrait is gorgeous, a precious moment so beautifully captured,to keep forever and ever. Just read about the 21 Secrets course - I will so be there! And well done you for giving a tutorial, I know it will be amazing xxx

  6. Love the picture of you three. Happy belated birthday Cowgirl! You have the most expressive dog - love that picture of him.

  7. Seriously... that picture of Moose is crackin' me up.
