
Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Inspiration Celebration: Autumn

Autumn is in full swing with vibrant colors, the crackle of fallen leaves underfoot and crisp, clear blue skies. We have had some warm weather and the season is inspiring all my senses.

I am totally into pumpkins, having made two treks to our favorite family run pumpkin patch:

I got to spend several afternoons outdoors working in my art journals:

I had time to finish a sewing project - a dress/jumper for Cowgirl:

Work on some art postcards for a mail swap:

And I have been enjoying amazing tutorials for Photoshop from Kim Klassen via her Photoshop Recipe Book and her Skinny ecourse (check out her giveaway!)

The universe has been helping me practice receiving by placing so many amazing people in my path. A surprise package the other week held this beautiful gift from an equally radiant fellow blogger, mama and creative soul, Meegan:

This little figure perfectly expresses my life right now. Meegan sent another piece to Soraya and I feel honored to be in such inspirng company. I love the dialogue that has developed online amongst like-minded bloggers and Meegan never fails to provoke soul stirring thoughts through her posts and in an exchange of comments and emails. And she is a patron of the arts, having commissioned Cowgirl and me for a painting to hang in her daughter's room:

I am easing into the notion of receiving and am enjoying every minute of it!

So what gifts has Creativity blessed you with this past week? What inspiration would you like to share? Let's keep the goodness flowing!


  1. Love getting a glimpe into your creative week! My response is here:
    Heavy on the inspiration, light on the creativity:) At least this week...

  2. Those leaves, the pumpkins... beautiful! Hey local weather, you hear that? It's fall! Get with the program! :)

  3. i love ur fall pictures.
    i want to go buy some cute little pumpkins for my porch. i'm doing it tomorrow!!

  4. What a fabulous creative and happy-sounding week. So happy for you, you so deserve it!

  5. loving your take on Autumn. here is my Monday inspiration:


  6. I love everything in this post!!

    Look at your sewing creation! Isn't that awesome? :)

    One of the best creative gifts in my recent days was meeting Patti Digh and the other people who came to her event the other day. I love making new local creative connections!

  7. I was so enjoying your post on Autumn and your pumpkin photo then you had to go and make me cry! :) You are so sweet & kind. I'm glad my little gift made you happy. You inspire me every day.

    The photo you created with her is absolutely GORGEOUS. I knew you two belonged together! :)

  8. Dear Lis-I really enjoy the way your pics are developing such a unique style! I especially love the pumpkins...the compostion and perspective as well as the grainy quality to it. So FALL!! I am also just loving the adorable little dress you made for Cowgirl!! Is that the one you ordered from Etsy? It is delicious...she must be thrilled. And I love the sister angel figurine that Meegan gave you! Thanks so much for your kind inclusion of me in your blog post...and all the wonderful comments you have been leaving. Things have been super hectic Tara was sick last it's my turn!
    Things that have been inspiring me? I have been reading some art technique books, great blog and REST!!! xxx

  9. P.S. sorry for the typos...cold meds!

  10. Every word in this post sparkled with warmth. I wanted to sit here with something yummy like hot chocolate wrapped in a cozy sweater and read and read and are truly inspiring.

    This week you inspired me and my daughter inspired me when we went on a nature walk, collected the MOST AMAZING leaves they were pink, red, orange and purple!! We made etchings that made me feel nothing but joy....ah fall.

  11. Lis, Autumn is my most favourite time of year and your shots make my senses tingle :) I love your Monday posts and am working very hard to find the time and space to join you on a Monday. For me Mondays are a nightmare with the beginning of my working week but that is precisely why celebrating creativity is so important, I need that reminder that I am more than my job. Sending you lots of love, Milena xxx By the way could I show that gorgeous postcard you sent me on my blog? Of course I would link to you, it is so fab that I want to share it with the world.
