
Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Wishes

Warmest wishes for all this holiday season and beyond. May we all be surrounded by love and comfort and know Peace in this lifetime.

With love and gratitude ♥

xo Lis, Cowgirl, Moose & The Husband

Cowgirl found a loose tooth on Christmas Eve!


  1. ~ooohhhh the sugar plum faeries and the tooth faerie all in one the arrival of father christmas...what more could a little ask for!!! has been nothing but joy getting to know you this past year and i very much look forward to the coming year sharing together in this here little land of are a gift and inspiration to each who stumble over! happy belated solstice blessings and warm christmas wishes upon you and yours this day~

  2. Thank you for all the fun and beauty you've brought to my life this year! May your holidays be merry and bright! How could they not be when you have such delightful company:)

  3. Happy holidays Lis! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Can't wait to see what the new year brings.

  4. Wonderful art and photos!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Lis!
