
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

winter words

This season has gnawed me clean

Down to emotional bones

Cold leeching all color out

And I am as gray as the morning sky

More snow expected

Driveway to clear

Dog must be walked

Pilgrimage to school made

I trudge through my day

Head down, face shielded

Skin buried in wool and corduroy

My senses knowing only exhaustion and deprivation

Hidden within

A seed patiently awaits

Sunlight, warm rain


A greener day

I know it is there

I have to -

Because not believing

would risk

Sacrificing the last shred of myself

To icy winds

Smacking thin, cracked lips

Winter looks around for more

And I will oblige

Buried under a pile of rotting, fetid leaves

My belief in abundance and renewal



And trust-filled


  1. Bless you for that wonderful poem, those feelings expressed and wraught through. Yes, we who live in this cold and harsh, unfriendly climate feel it down to our bones. The hibernation calling, the long for green growth and renewal. It is experienced at a cellular level and is so very hard to describe to those who have never lived it. Just so you know, I am cracking and leeching and waiting with you. So glad to hear you have a dog to walk - as nasty as it is outside I am always glad (once I've suited up) to be out in the elements. I do so miss my old girl (dog) and the company we kept. Thank you so much for your comments

  2. P.S. I have been crazily wondering how you get those shots of you on your yoga mat - they are wonderful! - and was kind of stealingly-hopeful to get some of my own.

  3. love your poem that so captures the feeling of winter-- and a great photo at the end that looks so restorative.

  4. also, wanted to say thanks for the kind words and so glad you're enjoying the CD. you made my day in letting me know that! :)

  5. Love how you wove all those words together!
    I'm in a relatively mild winter climate in northern calif. where get only some snow, but it all resonates so strongly...

    Beautiful, beautiful.

  6. Very touching, beautiful words I can relate to.

  7. Oh Lis! I love both your pics BTW...and I (call me crazy!!) am homesick for some snow!!! Well, maybe just in my imagination. I know it can get really old by about Jan/Feb?march! I wish warm days ahead for you, green green and sunshine so warm...popsicles and sleevless tops...soon! Love the yoga pic especially. xxx

  8. Quietly surrendering with you.

    p.s. I'm with The Bodhi Chicklet - how do you get those awesome on-the-mat photos??

  9. you all make me laugh ... i employ such high tech equipment in my self portraits ... here, my camera is on a book that was lying nearby, with the lens cap under the lens to angle it up just a bit. Self timer and lots of running back and forth to check composition, reshoot, and reshoot again!

  10. so awesome and wonderful poem. I love it.
