
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

i daydream in color ...

... color being the theme this week over on 52 Photos Project. This is my second week participating and it is the perfect antidote for Wednesday blahs. Especially with today's theme, so do pop over for some more colorful inspiration.

Meanwhile I am loosing myself in sketchbook reveries of the doodling kind ...

i want to live inside the Tea catalog

preparations for the next 49 by 49 card

mandalas and doodles being 2 themes over in the Wild Precious Studio

All the while serenaded by Cowgirl on beautiful blue, her beloved uke.

Wishes for a colorful rest of your week.


  1. :) Beautiful colors you've shared.

  2. Gorgeous colors! Love the mandala :)

  3. mmm i like how you do color!

  4. Now THAT's what I call inspiration! All of the photos - lovely. I did rather take to the turtle zentangle. Mmmmm....wondering where this will go. And hey - just heard you are going to Sedona. EEEEK! What fun and how amazing. I'm so thrilled for you.

  5. Hi Lis, thanks so much for your lovely interaction over at my blog...I appreciate your Yellow inputs!
    You were prescribed pink? That is fabulous. I will now want to know what my own colour prescriptions are?! Obviously I needed more yellow yesterday.
    Love your creative journals, a work of beauty. xo

  6. The colours are great! Love, love, love all your journal entries, especially the zentangles!
    I've just discovered this meme as well!

  7. OOOH your sketchbook pages are looking good! :)

  8. Oh such soft and still expressive colors here. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Oh..these are nice. The turtle and especially the last colourful one. Really inspiring, thanks for sharing.

  10. Your sketches are beautiful. Very colorful

  11. I just love to see other people's sketchbooks. Such color, indeed!

  12. these toys make me happy! I want a collection of them for my desk at work. I really enjoyed seeing your sketchbooks. It's inspiring me to get mine out of the closet and use them like I should.

    Happy Thursday!

  13. every time i see a sketch book like yours, i WISH i was the keeper of one.

  14. I love the Tea stuff, too! And your sketchbook - so lovely. It makes me want to keep one, too.

  15. Dear Lis-I love all the yummy colors you have used. and love love the mandalas! And the turtle...did you draw that? It is so intricate...beautiful! I am soooo excited about posting your interview! I am thinking sometime next week. I will let you know when.
    I hope you have an amazing Mothers Day...with lots of love + hugs + chocolate:)xxx

  16. I am in love with your art pages...makes me wanna drag mine out!!

  17. Your zendoodles are beautiful. I wonder if you've ever considered doing some totem paintings on commission. I would so love a hummingbird, a wolf, and a frog. (My three primary animal spirit teachers!)

  18. I am SO deeply inspired that I am turning off my computer right now to create I simply adore what you share with the world
