
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday Inspiration Celebration: Italian memories

No words, just a lot of sighing these days ...

from Cowgirl's summer journal: "I was pushing the Tipping Tower."

(I know today is Tuesday; I started this photo essay before leaving with Cowgirl for Chinese Heritage Camp and go figure, the morning I had planned to finish uploading our wireless went out. So here I am with tales of camp to tell but dipping into my Italian reveries. It's quite a contrast; tales of dim sum, dumpling lunches and counselor crushes coming soon.)


  1. sigh, i can't wait to return to italy. love that first shot of cowgirl.

  2. LOVE these images. sweet summer!

  3. *sigh*

    so bee-yooo-tee-full.

    i love the pic of you poring over your moleskine...

    perfect, perfect.


  4. love it Lisa.. you know I am going to ask..what type of art pens are you using as you create in your journal..

    skype soon... let me know


  5. Love all of this! Such fun:)

  6. In the above picture, I am using caran d'ache watercolor pencils and a watercolor brush/pen (The Best tool I have/love) along with Sakura pigma micron pens which I love to use for zen doodling/mandalas. I also had a tin of prismacolor colored pencils which I "generously" shared with my daughter for her journal pages. I only recently learned to take my brush (which is wet) and brush it over the tip of the watercolor pencil to activate the pigment and then paint. I get nice control of the color using this technique and it is not messy, so great for traveling!
