
Monday, August 1, 2011

Let's get this party started!

Cowgirl and I want to welcome you to our month-long celebration of creativity and connection! In case you missed the purpose of this art-filled bash, here is a quick refresher:

Painting with a Purpose/2011 Campaign from Lisa Hofmann on Vimeo.

This month we hope to raise $1000 for a charity we have been privileged to sponsor in the past, Half the Sky Foundation. This organization is all about establishing loving, nurturing relationships for the orphaned children of China and what better way to demonstration our connection and care then by creating artwork that celebrates love. Our first collaborative piece which we will be giving away this week is a mixed media piece entitled Duck Love:

6 x 6 inches on flat gesso board surface

Wanting to make this bash extra special, we have some surprise guests! It seems fitting to start things off with the two artists/bloggers who inspired me to take the plunge and explore my life through art and creativity. In fact, this blog is the result of this woman's influence:

Yes, it was Susannah Conway's first ecourse Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself which got me dusting off my camera and realizing I could use photography and art making as a means of self exploration and discovery. Susannah's writing, her courses, and her fearlessness in presenting her journey woke up the part of me that had been lying dormant and frozen in fear and insecurity. Susannah ignited my curiosity and a desire to uncover my creative voice in addition to creating a space where I connected with the tribe of supportive women who nurtured me at the beginning of this journey.

Susannah exemplifies the generous spirit that pervades the cyber-circle of creative women blogging and teaching. It was no surprise she was the first person to respond to my request for donations for this art marathon. And what a sweet package of goodies she has brought to the party!

One lucky person will be the winner of this collection of two 5 by 5 inch polaroid prints; a set of 8 postcards; and one original - did you get that? - an original polaroid photograph!

Our other special guest is Susannah's Aquarian twin (they share the same birthday) Marisa Haedike from Creative Thursday.

If Susannah got me thinking about creativity as a means of self knowing, Marisa helped me to understand the need to support my creativity through a committed practice of consistent art making. She also helped me re-frame the concept of a Thriving Artist, understanding that I determine for myself what constitutes a successful career, one that may be entirely personal versus commercial. Her free podcasts are an inspiration for anyone wrestling with the gremlins of doubt and hesitancy. A pivotal image for me is a story her husband Sean shared on their ecourse April in Paris. He talked about playing baseball in school and how his coach never put him into a game. He would sit on the bench frustrated and anxious for a chance to play. When his teammates would grumble about a loss, he told them "At least you got to play!" I often approach decisions with that story in mind asking which would be worse: to try and fail? Or to not play at all?

Marisa is offering two prints from her etsy studio:

Each print measures 8.5 by 11 inches and details can be found by clicking on the link.

So for this first week there are 4 possible prizes you could win!

The hopefully not confusing details: In order to be eligible and have your name in the hat to win a prize, you must first make a donation to Half the Sky Foundation using our pledge page located here (there is a button on the right-hand column Donate Now which will also take you to our page.) When you make a donation be sure to either enter your name on the honor roll (you do not need to indicate the amount of your donation) or let me know through the comments or via email: lishofmann(at)novia(dot)net.

Once you've donated, you will be entered into the drawing for all five weeks of collaborative pieces by Cowgirl and myself. Easy peasy. Just be sure I have a way to contact you either through comments or email.

To be entered into the drawings for the special guest prizes (Susannah's photo package or one of Marisa's two prints): In addition to donating to our pledge page, you must either leave a comment on this blog post or email me this week. Names will be drawn and the winners announced next Monday, August 8 along with our second week of new prizes (and more fabulous guests!) You only need to donate once, but to be considered for the special guest prizes you must comment or email me each week.

Additional chances to win: Help us spread the word by either tweeting, blogging, linking on Facebook or Google Plus and receive additional entries into the drawing. Just let me know what you've done in an additional comment or email. And be sure I have a way to get in touch with you should you win!

It's time to grab a cooling drink, relax and enjoy the party! Five weeks of art and festivities, so hang on!

Let us know how you like to cool down in the heat. My favorite drink is sun tea with fresh mint from the Farmer's Market and fruit ice pops while Cowgirl prefers total immersion in the pool. Share your tips and be entered to win! August Art Bash my friends, help us celebrate BIG and send our love to the children who so desperately need to know someone loves them and cares. The money we raise will be donated to supply art materials for children's programs, completing the circle of creativity and connection!

photograph from Half the Sky Foundation


  1. So excited that August is here and the bash has begun!:) I'm pretty simple - a nice glass of cold water in the shade and I'm a happy, cool gal.

  2. i've donated! what a wonderful cause. this party is such a fun, beautiful way to pull together some goodness this summer. woooo-hoooo!!!

  3. Right now I feel more like turning the heat on (it's been rainy and chilly for weeks over here) but if I want to cool down my favorite thing is to go for a swim.

  4. Yippeeee .. Art a thon begins. I donated but not sure if I added myself right..
    I keep cool with tons of water.. it's the mana of all good.

  5. Yeah!!I think this party is going to be the PLACE to be this month! :) Hmmm it's soooo hot & drought ridden here, cooling down is quite the task- I've been loving chocolate covered frozen bananas,Mike's been trying out some independently crafted sodas & Sonja likes eating ice cubes after her walk! :)

  6. Hey Lis...mentioned on my blog today also.


  7. ha, ha, ha i LOVE the ducks - you must visit my blog and see the pictures i posted for the first day of the august break! we are in sync again ; ) i was the first person to donate this year and it makes me feel sooo good! love :***

  8. oh, and I blogged about this, too:

  9. yay! lis! this party is so rockin'! i've donated... and sharing you around FB too! you and cowgirl are doing some fabulous stuff!!! to cool off... in the shade with a cold drink, or a pool if available! looks like you're going to surpass your goal easy peasy!!! yay!

  10. You are amazing - both of you - all of you! It is incredulous you have almost reached your goal in the first few days. I would pledge even if there wasn't a goodie to be had because your heart and Cowgirl's heart is so deeply ensconced in this project. What can I say but "You GO Girl(s)"!!!! You are so darned inspiring!
