
Monday, August 15, 2011

don't be shy (come on in!) - August Art bash continues

Are you having fun? Can I interest you in some fresh goat's milk cheese mixed with cranberries and horseradish? Lots of crackers to choose from and please, refill your glass! The bash continues and we have 3 more weeks of surprises and prizes to come.

Amazing to say, In two weeks time we surpassed our initial goal of raising $1000 for Half the Sky foundation. I am truly humbled and awestruck by the generosity and loving spirit of everyone here. Given there is still a lot of partying to come, I've raised our goal to $1400 just to make things interesting. You know, a little challenge is a good thing!

I want to introduce you to some special guests joining us this week. I am really excited to have these lovelies here as they both have been such dear friends, supporters and guides on this wild creative ride. They are the type of people you meet and instantly fall in love with. Open, honest, brave and inspiring in their quests to explore and share the healing power of art, they invite others to examine, question and challenge one's accepted notions about self, spirit, and creativity. They are both Wild Women answering the call of their intuition; through their art and writing they playfully encourage us to join them.

I first met Soraya Nulliah through Leah Piken Kolidas's Creative Every Day challenge. We both were somewhat new at blogging and uncertain about our place in this world. A comment here, a comment there and it felt like I was communicating with an old friend. A mother of a beautiful girl, Soraya has been a great source of support as I negotiate parenting a strong daughter while attempting to balance time for art, writing, family and spirit. On her blog she blends her life, her passions and a fierce commitment to raising awareness about the plight of women in India, her home country. Her paintings reflect the wisdom she had gained on her path and this week she is offering two archival prints as prizes for our party.

faith in her path 8 x 10 " matted
more info here
(i have a copy in my yoga room)

awakening to the fullness of herSELF 8 x 10 " matted

Our other special guest is the one woman band of art journaling - the effervescent, no punches pulled Effy Wild of Wild Precious Studio. I came to know Effy through Connie Hozvicka's 21 Secrets course and then more intimately when Effy embarked upon a vlog challenge. Her enthusiasm and zest for all she does will have you skipping along behind her. Yeah, Effy was the one who got me to make my first vlog! If you want a place to play, learn, connect and create with other equally passionate artists, I highly recommend (and hang out in) Wild Precious Studio where there are numerous groups offering up challenges, ideas, techniques for art journaling, mandalas, collage, and all matter mixed media. If you want to discover how art journaling is a tool for self recovery, healing and great joy then check out The Elements of Art Journaling course which she will be offering as a self guided version this November.

I was thrilled when Effy took my bait and agreed to create an altered journal especially for our party!

front view

back view

detail of cover

Mixed media altered composition book ready for use as a writing journal OR an art journal. Cover is made with artist quality materials. Knowing Effy, I imagine there is a lot of glitter and sparkle to this journal that the camera cannot capture. This is the same kind of journal we were guided to create for the Elements course. The pages can be glued together to reinforce them for art journaling or left as is and used as a journal for writing.

Finally, here is an offering from Cowgirl and myself:

mourning dove love 6 x 6 " mixed media on gessoboard

Mourning doves have been making their presence known in my neighborhood. As I walk the dog, they sit perched upon rooftops and their coos rain down upon me and bless us as we go. Their arrival always reminds me to take stock of my emotional life, considering what needs to be expressed and released. They remind me my comfort and security resides in a loving heart and family ties.

The quickie rules to enter:
If you haven't already, make a donation on our pledge page (be sure to leave your name in the honor roll). If you have donated, then you are already entered to win one of the works by Cowgirl and myself. To enter your name into the pool to win Soraya's prints or Effy's journal, be sure to leave a comment on this post or email me: Lishofmann(at)novia(dot). Make sure I have a way to contact you should you win! One donation, a month's worth of prizes!

For the complete rules and information on Half the Sky foundation please check out week one of our party here.

Time for me to circulate ... do make some new friends, pull up a chair and lose yourself in conversation. How are you spending these final days of summer?

Congratulations to the winners of last week's prizes: Sylvia - "Penguin Family"; Jane and Angela - Sedona landscapes by Connie. Don't despair! Three more weeks of wonderful prizes and multiple chances to win!


  1. i totally just lost my comment with that word verification thing.

    shortened version: thanks for the cheese, got the nuts, left you the map to the blackberry bushes.

    off to collect twigs for the campfire.
    ps. i LOVE Dan Zanes...

    pps. WOOT! on surpassing your goal already! FAB!

  2. Somehow I just can't believe that we're in the final days of summer! The first official day of school here was today:( Last winter was so hard that I've been in denial that it would be anything but summer from now on. So, yes, spending these last days of summer in denial, that's what I'll be doing...

  3. I really loved all the pieces you and Cowgirl created so far. It keeps getting better and better! And yay on surpassing 1000$ already!
    I'm spending the final days of summer hoping it will stay a little longer (or come back for that matter). And I'm looking forward to my vacation next month.

  4. Congratulations on surpassing your fundraising goal! This is a great idea (and a lot of fun)!

  5. Posted this everywhere, lovely. <3

  6. that's fantastic about surpassing your initial goal! all the best for the next goal.

  7. Dear Lis-thank you so much for including me (and my work) in your fundraiser. I am so very very proud of go girl and then keep on going some more:) I love that pic of cowgirl with the water hose...speaks of summer.
    Will put in a link to this post later on tonight...busy over here with Tara right know how it goes:) Will chat later. xxx

  8. So wonderful you & Cowgirl have surpassed your goal!!Inspiring us all to remember we can make a difference with ART :)
    And I'm ecstatic to be receiving one of Connie's paintings- you sure knew how to brighten my Monday!

  9. wow! i feel like i'm at a party in hollywood with all your fabulous guests! i have donated and would be so honored to win any of the awesome door prizes you are offering. you have a heart of gold, lis.

  10. OK, I am ready to win one of the great prizes. Love the party idea...

  11. Hello Dear! Congratulations! I'm celebrating and having fun and I'm so thrilled - that the Penguin Family is on my way! Thank you so much :* Girls *:

    My summer plans... next week my kids are going to their summer camps - so I hope to take a break and enjoy it 100% : )

  12. Love this weeks collaboration with
    cowgirl. We all need a little Hope and Love and I'm all about new beginnings :). Wonderful art piece! Congrats on passing your goal and good luck with the new goal as well.

    Ohhh, I adore Soraya! So cool that she's a part of your fund raiser. Also what a wonderful journal. I'm ready to win! lol

  13. That must have been some hot day for Cowgirl to hose herself. Oh come on, you know I love a party!!!
