
Monday, August 29, 2011

hello goodbye (this party's almost over!)

Where did the time go? It's been a monster art bash and while things are winding down, we aren't finished yet! To date we've painted 5 paintings and given away 10 bonus prizes while raising $1200 for Half the Sky foundation.

Each dollar raised will be used to purchases art supplies for preschool children living in welfare centers in China. Each dollar donated represents our collective belief in the healing power of art. Each dollar represents this community's commitment to connect, share and empower ourselves and others through creative expression. We painted and you showed up and I cannot begin to express the gratitude, awe and pride I have in what has been accomplished here.

Yes, we're this proud:

I am really excited to present the final prizes for this week. I cannot think of a more appropriate special guest to close out our party than the artist whose work was the inspiration behind the collaborative pieces by myself and Cowgirl - Sarah Ahearn Bellemare.

When I first saw Sarah's work, my immediate reaction was "I want to create paintings like THAT." There is an evocative, playful, poetic quality to her work that continues to inspire and fascinate me. I was able to attend a day long session with Sarah at Squam last fall and discovered she is both a gifted artist AND instructor. Her teaching style encouraged spontaneous play, invention and a welcoming of the unexpected.

piece created by myself and Cowgirl using Sarah' s 2 minute prompt activity

Last Spring Sarah's book Painted Pages was published and it became my immediate go-to book for those times I need to recharge the creative batteries. It is also the inspiration behind the works Cowgirl and I created for this art marathon. So I am really excited to announce that one of this week's prizes is a copy of Sarah's book!

Sarah is also donating a print from her Etsy shop and she let me pick - not an easy task as I have 3 of her prints hanging on my walls, her calendar AND an original piece (did I mention I love her work?) - but it seems only fitting to offer this symbol of the fading summer season:

strawberry and pansies
6 x 6 inch print matted on 8 x 10 inch mat board
more information here

The final piece by Cowgirl and myself is inspired by some nocturnal visitors who augur the impending change of seasons ...

Owl Magic
6 x 6 inches mixed media on gesso board
(in honor of my mother who my father & I called "Owl"; she entered the hospital last Thursday night but should be coming home this week. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.)

So here it is, our final giveaway! If you've already donated, then your name is in the hat to win. If you haven't made your donation yet, well ... what are you waiting for? Head on over to our pledge page and then be sure to either leave a comment here or email me: lishofmann(at)novia(dot)net. Be sure I know how to contact you in case you win.

The party ends this Friday, so get your comments in!

Congratulations to last week's winners: Hummingbird Joy: Amy; animal cards - Mandy; Pink Fox print - Kim.


  1. I feel guilty leaving a comment since I did win a prize already. (eeeek!) But I wanted to say, "oh me too", I wish this season would go one just one more month, then I might be ready to let it go. Stawberries and pansies, just the epitome of summer though.

  2. LOVE the Owl magic!!! I don't think I've seen Sarah's work before so thank you for the intro-
    Have a joy-filled week-

  3. That owl has one MASSIVE foot! I love what features kids pick up on.

    Sarah is such a sweetheart ... do check out her site ... she is incredibly generous and an amazing mama to the cutest little girl cub who attended Squam with us all last fall :)

  4. love the owl too- owls have gained so much popularity and art and jewelry again! YAY!

  5. I've been so swamped lately, I haven't had time to read blogs, but I'm so happy I popped in today! What a wonderful thing you are Cowgirl are doing here! I like the mission of Half the Sky and just made a donation. Congrats on all your good work!

  6. What a wonderful bash this has been! Thank you so much, Lis:)

  7. All so very gorgeous!!!

  8. I'm loving your Owl art!!!!! Wonderful :)

    Congrats on everything you've accomplished for Half the sky. You are really looking forward to next year (& maybe getting some commissioned art again if possible?!).

    I've never seen Sarah's work or the book she's written but since you recommend it so highly I know I'm going to have to find a copy for myself & check out her blog or website. Anything you love I know I probably will too! ;)

  9. Lol, meant to say I am looking forward to it. Typing while feeding Nora breakfast is never a good idea :)
