
Monday, September 5, 2011

a day of grace and gratitude ♥

I've been carried aloft by the wishes and prayers of so many this past week. To say "thank you" seems insufficient. But that is what I offer: a heartfelt thank you for hearing and understanding. My mother is much better and is out of the hospital and in rehab to build up her strength. In many ways, this little crisis was a blessing for it prepared me for what may lie ahead. Questions were raised, issues confronted that one is never ready to face but now I know how to proceed and what answers need to be determined.

It's a strange role reversal: checking my mother into the rehab facility was like setting her up for summer camp but with some very dark twists. By the third time of hearing "in the event ..." you are primed to expect that there will be some kind of event occurring. If not now, soon enough. How many of us know what funeral home we would like to use "in the event"? CPR or no CPR? And then there was me filling out my mother's "life story" to better help the staff care for her. Her religious beliefs? Thorny at best. How would I rate her marriage? Her relationship with her children? I can tell you her about her appetite, favorite foods and general habits but her marriage? (Do I even want to know?)

our neighborhood Labor Day bike parade

The long weekend has given me the space and time to be with my family and to tend to myself. I even had a pocket of time today to start a few sewing projects! It sounds trite, but I am learning to take it one day at a time. Learning to be soft with myself and my expectations, knowing that all that I want to get to will still be there later on and perhaps I don't need to do all of that anyway. It is a day of rest from labor and a day to reflect upon how it is I labor unnecessarily in my life. Today was that suspended moment between the inhale and the exhale - a rest, a break, a lingering pause ...

It is with immense gratitude that Cowgirl and I thank you for the support of our August Art Bash. Officially we raised $1275 for Half the Sky foundation although the final tally is to be determined as we await a few checks in the mail. Not only did we blow past our goal, but we got to play artful elves and experience the joy of sharing the wealth of creativity that has enriched our lives and shared some amazing artwork with all you amazing people. And with that - here is our final winners: Owl Magic: Kathleen D; Painted Pages: Kelly W; Strawberries & Pansies Print: Emily. Congratulations everyone!

And so Cowgirl and I say goodbye to summer and hello new school year (first grade!) New adventures await and I for one am looking forward to the journey. I know there will be some unexpected dark alleys (hello? is there some major developmental phase occurring between 6 and 7 that I unaware of? Symptom: excessive sass and attitude coupled with exaggerated eye rolling? Please enlightenment me ... or send info for appropriate support group) - I welcome it all because, well, I have no choice. Resistance is futile!


  1. It sounds like you have been asked to delve deep into your mother's soul. And undoubtedly there is plenty to learn there. But who really wants to? Mostly we go kicking and screaming. Look at your sunshine on the long weekend! We ended up with rain but no complaints since it was a weather-spectacular summer. Cowgirl is testing your waters, and you're in it together. We often give the hardest time to the people we love the most.

  2. so glad to hear things with your mom are smoothing out... you know, because i care, but also because i do not want you to miss sedona... yes, i'm selfish that way. grin.

    eye rolling already? oh my. humor, humor is good. please help me remember that, i could use it more when meeting up against my lil red head's fierce determination!

    happy first grade! our's is off and going well, all the best for yours'!


  3. i am so glad to hear that your mother is healing. first grade is so much fun! take good care of yourself and let us know what that sewing project is...

  4. Really happy to hear that your mom is doing better. I know what you mean - I'm not at all sure I'm ready for this next chapter with my parents...

    And hooray for the healing power of creative projects. Will be fun to hear what you're stitching up!

  5. Lovely Lis, I am so glad that your mum is on the mend and I feel for you so deeply with all those questions opening up, which we will all have to face in our lifetime. Yet again I admire you for your strength and for your ability to pick out the positives to aid your learning journey. I received your wolf art this morning, what an absolutely wonderful surprise, THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of me and enriching my life with your magical artwork and sweet words xxx
