
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Squamward bound ❋

I'm off early tomorrow morning ...

and I am ripe and ready for an adventure!

I will be back next week and promise to share the secrets I learn from the woods.

It truly has taken a village to make this trip a reality and I will carry all that love and support with me. Listen for the howls and the laughter ... and join in!

xo Lis


  1. ENJOY! I wish I could be there with you. Can't wait to see what new seeds are planted at Squam this year.

  2. Dear Lis-Oh! this sounds so amazing!!! I am so glad that you are nurturing and feeding yourself. I know these are difficult times for you with all you are totally need this:) Can't wait to hear all about your Squam adventures:) Big hugs across the miles. xxx
