
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

our winter break

The entire family is off this week and we've been busy enjoying ourselves. There have been many nights spent in a pup tent ...

A bounty of Christmas cuddles ...

and high jinks

Despite the cheeky expressions,
these two "good" kids received a remote controlled helicopter

which has logged in hours of flight time already

Last minute sewing (it seemed like a good idea on Christmas Eve to "whip up" a couple more holiday crowns ...)

I followed this tutorial for our crowns

I avoided last minute holiday shopping by becoming obsessed with creating the latest addition to our family - Sock Moose!

inspired by the puppets by Katherine Dunn
who so wisely noted in her book
"Puppet making is the antithesis of creative block."

I can just imagine the adventures he will have in 2012.

The usual arting and crafting has been taking place. Cowgirl has expanded her repertoire to include sharks (they have teeth) and whales ...

Cowgirl brought home from school
over 2 dozen of these cut-out aquatic creatures

Along with her perennial favorites, Monster Trucks Blue Thunder and Grinder.

I've been taking the time to reflect upon the year behind me and setting my intentions for the year to come using this great workbook.

I've also created the cover for my Books of Days project inspired by the free year long workshop with Ms. Effy Wild. I've settled upon my word for 2012: Clarity and marinating in all the possibilities it implies.

In these final days of what was my year of Shine, I am celebrating what was while calmly
anticipating what is to come - another year to stretch myself, roll up my sleeves, get messy, have fun, and seek out Joy.

Of course I am also finishing up a couple of gift projects which I have every intention of finishing before the year end. I see some nights of sewing ahead of me ...

Santa brought Cowgirl a Shark kite

... unless the sharks get hungry and eat my supplies. In which case, I will just keep Wassailing!


  1. joining you Wassailing! wonderful photos - happy 2012 :)

  2. delicious, delicious, delicious!!

    unfortunately we can't be friends anymore since you've taken up 'last minute sewing'....traitor!! *grin*

    may happiness and joy abound!!! i'm looking mightily forward to the adventures that 2012 will bring....


  3. So covet the pup tent for myself!
    and the toothless grin of the moment is so priceless and adorable!!!
    hang on for 2012!

  4. Oh how I adore sock Moose!! Really, really adore! *chants-- puppet show puppet show!!*

    And I don't know what the book of days is, but it intrigues me. I don't have a word yet for 2012. Hmmm. I need to blog about my 2011 word, it kind of knocked my socks off (no pun intended! hehe.)

    Brandi Marie

  5. Love love love Sock Moose, now need to make sock characters of my cats, what an excellent project. Your word for 2012 speaks to me in many ways also, I shall follow your path, as always, with interest and connection. I am using Susannah's workbook this afternoon, it looks fab :) Sending you much love,
    Milena xxx

  6. Getting ready to make myself a cup of tea and sit down with Susannah's workbook:) But first must say how much I love those crowns and Cowgirl's AMAZING whales and sharks - brilliant! Looking forward to seeing what you do in 2012!
