
Friday, June 29, 2012

i gather (inner excavations)

From chapter three of Inner Excavation by Liz Lamoreux:

If we open our eyes and minds to reflect on how we spend our days, what fills the world we inhabit, what we see over and over again, we gain insight into who we are in this moment, in the days before today. We can then determine who it is we want to be tomorrow.

I gather:

Pictures ~ moments captured, memories collected



Details ~ the little things that constitute beauty and truth 

Souvenirs from my day ~ reminders of life's magic 

Words, stories, and thoughts woven together to commemorate our history, our place within life's flow.

These are the things I gather; these are the treasures I hold onto; these are the things that nourish and sustain me ...



the textures, sights and sounds of my day that I cherish,

turning them over and over in my hands, in my heart, for they contain clues into my soul, the pieces that form an answer to the question: who am I?

I am ...

a star in a sea of stars
my light no brighter than others
but its absence would reveal 
a patch of darkness in the night sky
empty space that once held the light of this life's truth.


This is my response to this week's Excavate-along with Liz Lamoreux.  For more inspiration check out the responses of other participants here and Liz's original prompt for the week here.  


  1. I am
    roots in the earth
    wind in the sky
    spray of the ocean
    light in the love
    the same
    yet missed if gone

    thanks Lis
    this was beautiful

    love and light

  2. that picture of the soles of napping cowgirl's feet is so beautiful it makes me ache. those are the kinds of portraits I like best and the way I want to remember Max's childhood.

  3. The textured picture of you looks like it has a little spark in your soul.
    Beautiful post!
