
Saturday, June 23, 2012

summer fun (joy warrior's journal)

Ingredients for summer fun: water

ice cream  

more water


and smiles

a heart bursting to show its joy


Such is the life of two joy warriors.


How do you experience joy?  Care to share?  Let's make this the summer of the joy revolution!


  1. Such joyful photos! What a great idea - love the idea of a summer of joy!

  2. Hooray for the summer of the joy revolution!! I soaked up some joy myself this morning walking around the grounds of a local botanical garden. Nothing cheers me up like natural beauty:)

  3. joy revolution - count me in! I am at my full-throttle happiest in the summer. barefoot cartwheeling, ripstick riding, ice cream eating, friendship bracelet making, salamander catching GOOFBALL. bring it on.

  4. woot!!!! the revolution lives on!! such brilliant piccies....


    ps. my joy is less exuberant these days, more a steady drumbeat bubbling upwards rather than a fanfare of trumpets....but it's mad powerful. xo

  5. What a beautiful post Lisa . . . your photos are so breathtaking. I especially love her colored crocs! This precious little girl is growing up right before our eyes and we get to witness it . . . the beauty of the online community. I love your idea of the summer of the joy . . . I plan to take many long walks at the ocean, cut fresh bouquets from my garden, read lots of wonderful books and write handwritten letters to friends. Love to you and may your summer be filled with much happiness!

  6. Yahooo joy warrior! your photos are amazing Lis - Happy Summer - enjoy my friend :)

  7. water, ice cream, summer - what's not to love!?! here's to a whole season of joy for us all!

  8. reading this gave me joy
    i felt it strong!!!
    a Joy revolution is a great project to embrace
    love it!

    love and light

  9. Ice cream and water - who could resist that!
