
Monday, October 1, 2012

sacred journey

 It is a trip we take with some preparation.  Snacks, water bottles, extra clothing for cooler night temperatures, camera and maybe a favorite musical instrument are gathered and toted to the car.  Fuel tank filled for the drive and ample time to make the journey without rushing through the landscape.


We drive around the edges of town


Past farms and fields

Over the river


Our destination tucked away within the unusual landscape feature known as the Loess Hills.  


 Rising 200 feet above flat fields and plains in craggy cliffs, a rich soil comprised of quartz, feldspar, mica and other minerals ground into glacial flour and  carried to the region by winds (eolian) rather than ice age rivers or lakes.  These hills unique in all the world for the depth and intricacy of their features except for a region in Shaanxi province, China although those features have been altered by human habitation.


We wind our way through these hills to come to a temple.  A dear friend and a source of inspiration for her ability to manifest dreams and heart energy into walls, shingles, ceramic sculptures, bronze bells created this temple in honor of her guru and mine, Swami Kripalu.  


A temple built with love and dedicated to the power of love.

This journey we made in honor of another love as magical and expansive - defying space and time.  Returning to the site of our conception ... 8 years later ... a full moon, the same Harvest Moon that is know as the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival in China.  It is said the moon shines brightest on this night and under her light we are united with all of our loved ones.  Bathed by the light of this moon I prayed for a healthy child.  Bathed in the same moon light, but on the other side of the planet, my girl was just 2 days old.  Yet here we are ...


now and forever. always.


We came to sing, to celebrate, to remember divine mother's love and to be nourished by the crickets' song, the flight of hawk, swagger of turkey and the dance of deer.  When I think I cannot possibly love my girl anymore than I already do, I look over and see her playing the bongos, eyes closed, head tipped back, singing Om Namah Shivaya and my heart cracks freshly open. She expands my capacity for love and I watch her shadow run across the dark fields, my cellphone held outstretched in her hand to shine a path, her hair flowing back and blending into the dark blanket of night and stars and moonlight.

 This is our sacred journey ... to remember and celebrate our love and the gifts of this beautiful life.  And we bow down to it again and again.  Om Namah Shivaya. 


  1. i should know better than trying to covertly read your blog posts while at work. inevitably they bring tears to my eyes...and how will i explain them?

    so beautiful. the magic. this ritual. the love. so so so so moving.

    thank you.

  2. i feel like i just took an incredible road trip! your story is a testament to the power of love, stronger than geography and time.

    i have a new blog i want to invite you to check out, if you get a chance:

  3. oh. my.


    i am awed and humbled and filled with such love for you and your beautiful girl-child...

    thank you for sharing this....i need such a beacon just now...


  4. Oh Lis - In deep reverence I bow to you - with a heart of thanks - I need to take my girl by the hand and dance with her in the forests this weekend - to laugh with her - not about something on the computer - but about the joy of the outdoors that she used to love (and I still do) - it seems now that she's a tween - that I'm hearing 'whatever Mom' a lot more instead of the giggles! xo

  5. This was so lovely. That Ganesh is beautiful. I am headed to Sedona, will think of you there.

  6. wow, what a beautiful and powerful post...i felt the warmth of your motherly love all the way over here. what a beautiful place
