
Friday, January 4, 2013

weekly reflection

A few years ago I had a weekly reflections practice here.  Usually a phrase or thought blogged, photographed, painted or crafted in some form or another.

I spent a lovely morning puttering about a finally empty house.  I have reclaimed the dining room table for its true purpose: my painting table!  Pausing to let a layer of paint dry, I had a phone chat with a sweet friend who was also pausing in her busy day.  She mentioned embarking upon a weekly practice set in place by Amanda Blake-Soule or SouleMama (or Taproot Magazine mama!) which is to post a single photo on Friday that captures the essence of her week.  She calls it this moment.

Having completed a 365 photo-a-day for 2012, I am easing up on the old camera but I love the idea of having a weekly practice.  So here I am.  Week one.

I love the idea of this being a transformation of my weekly reflection into something simple, easy and do-able.

Stage one of a painting inspired by Katherine Dunn's Capturing the Essence course.  The lesson is to tell the story of a dear friend at her moment of passing over; here is my beloved Frida cat as her spirit soared out of her 18 year old body.  After much struggle, there was a tangible sense of her spirit springing out of her and I want to capture her flying to the stars. 

To join in, visit here and leave a comment with a link to your weekly reflection or moment to remember.

Thus possibilities take root! Thank you Maya for introducing me to so much goodness! (Off to find a cardigan pattern to knit for Cowgirl who has requested a new sweater!  And like any knitting mama, I cannot resist such a request!)



  1. ooooh...loveliness abounds! what a glorious tribute to your beloved Frida. i do believe that cat spirits leap....


  2. painting is so therapeutic. dropping by from This Moment.
    Here's mine:
