
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

unfamiliar feeling ...

I've been feeling odd lately ... strangely contented, my days more or less puttering along at a comfort pace with a blanket of ease warming all that I do.  Recognizing there have been projects long on hold - stacks of paintings started and now marinating; files in blurb and shutterfly accounts awaiting my attention; art journals in progress (one for Cowgirl that has languished for over a year now) - all that sits piled around the edges of my awareness and still I feel relaxed and at peace with the status quo.

Shifting gears doesn't feel likely at the moment.  I've been enjoying what are for me the leisurely arts - knitting, sewing, slapping bits torn from magazines and catalogs into my Smash journal. Perhaps I am connecting with a previous life as an educated lady awaiting my turn for the grand tour? (oh, how I wish!) 

one sleeve still to go ...


The continued cold weather actually excites me because I keep bookmarking new knitting projects while busily finishing up current ones.  There is only so much wool one person can wear, but I am determined to push the envelope on that front.  Possibilities ... ah yes, my word for 2013 ... possibilities and enticements keep popping up in front of me.  

In the spirit of encouraging more cultured practices, Cowgirl has been keeping up some penpal activities and so I made her this pouch to store the mail bounty that comes her way.  


I made a second one for her buddy and have fabric awaiting a third creation (spoiler alert for one reader - shhhh ... don't spill the beans!) 

the directions for these "satchels" came from the book Handmade Home

 Meanwhile, we've (well, okay, me) have begun what I hope will become a regular practice: a family journal.  

In years past Cowgirl and I would spend long drives home discussing our top 5 or 10 moments from our days.  Low or challenging moments where also shared and it was a lovely way to capture the moments that might otherwise slip away.  Now Cowgirl's school is a mile away and the habit vanished.  Hence a journal which I intend to pull out after dinner and in it record the stories of our days.  The Husband has already predicted this will last a few weeks (he's seen all my journals scattered about) but he forgets my stubborn streak (I know, me?!) and determination to prove him wrong (hey, I will admit when I'm wrong ... when it happens ...)

Perhaps I will soon record in our journal a leisurely and luxurious painting session?  So far the only thing I've worked on in recent months is this piece attempting to capture the moment when our cat, Frida, left her body and flew (yes, I felt it!) into her next adventure.  

That was almost 4 years ago (her passing, not the painting), but the memory is vivid and I want to honor the teachings she shared with all of us about life, determination (no is not a possibility) and -  ah, yes! - contentment.  (Our previous dog, Bandit, has been nosing his way into my consciousness and perhaps his will be the next memorial?)

So that is where I am ... for the moment.  I know from experience that this place is the top of the wheel (much like reaching the top of a hill on a bike) and I am enjoying the coasting feeling which I know all too soon will hit a bottom and require mad pedaling for the hill up climb.

But by then, perhaps I will have a newly knitted shawl to comfort me as I go ...

I think the difference is maybe I'm busy doing and not indulging in excessive thinking or worrying.  Taking the compulsive navel-gazing out and leaving the fun in.  I am getting wiser in my old age? Or just tired and better able to let things go?


  1. Ohhhhh, love the idea of a family journal! :) I bought some very old scrapbooks at a yard sale and one is for Andy and I to write something and post photos on each anniversary. Another one I have designated as our baby's journal and have been recording some tidbits about interesting happenings while being pregnant and hopefully that will transform into interesting baby tidbits :) I have definitely become a fan of repurposing very old scrapbooks and photographs for journaling purposes. There is just something so yummy about something so old getting used for a real purpose. Our child is going to wonder if she was born in the early 1900's though when she looks at her book :) hahaha


    Thank you SO MUCH for the most recent piece of surprise mail. I just LOVE real mail! I am mourning the upcoming loss of Saturday service, how about you?

  2. what a lovely place to be
    in the stillness of lifes movement
    we don't allow ourselves to be here enough in our culture
    I love that you are embarrassing it and letting it be what it needs to be

    love and light

  3. i feel like i have been a bit slower these days and not on-line as much as i think i should be but this post reassures me that maybe this is the season for thoughtful reflection. it sounds like you have some wonderful projects going and are headed in the direction of more possibilities...

  4. mmmmmm....'tis a most delicious feeling, that of contentment, of sure beats a frenetic pace, and, oddly, is often more productive...hmmmmm...


    ps. LOVE those mail pouches....what a fab idea...

  5. oh gosh, i could write the longest comment here noting this and that as i move through your post. so much goodness and recognition.
    i do love the way you write and think.

  6. i agree, what a lovely place to be - i can feel the sense of peace and contentment you are describing all the way over here, my friend. and was lovely creations you are creating (and rituals you are beginning with Cowgirl). every so often, i ask my two pirates what they feel grateful for and record their answers in 2 small journals. their answers are pure, sweet, and memorable. xx

  7. I love the idea of a family journal as well! I liked this post even more than I usually like your posts!
