
Friday, June 28, 2013

holiday memories ♥

A family practice after we take a vacation, is for each of us to put down our Top 10 Favorite Moments from our trip.  It is fun to see the overlap and equally insightful to discover what experiences deeply resonated with my family.

Of course, this is all just an excuse to review more of my vacation photos and share!

In no particular order (and culled from our respective lists) here is our Top 10 from our Portland/Seattle trip:

no. 1 Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria, OR 

  no. 2 exploring tidal pools and seeing sea birds at Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach OR

and holding a tiny hermit crab

no.3 nature walks with friends 

and building a fairy house

no. 4 the berries at the Portland Farmer's Market (to die for!)

no. 5 anytime we were near water (splash fountain and Elowah falls)

no. 6 anywhere Diana takes us out to eat (especially for ice cream!)



 no. 7 seeing the many wolves at Wolf Haven 

no. 8 Seattle Aquarium and seeing the octopus and the sea otters being fed

no. 9 exploring Seattle on a sunny day

no. 10 quiet beauty of Kubota gardens, a quick visit before heading to the airport

funny, no one remembered how we started things off ... with fine dining at the Rusty Tractor!

Thanks for the memories, Portland & Seattle, friends, fairies, and wild critters.  We will be back! 

1 comment:

  1. Such happy times in the PNW. Oh, how I miss it there. Isn't wonderful how just visiting a place for a bit of time fills you up. :) xoxo
