
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

the inner work

How it feels ...

She is days away from being released back into the wild ... 

While in captivity she shed her skin twice ...  I am processing what that means on a symbolic level ... but I definitely know how she feels.  Waiting and shedding ...

That's all I can say right now.  Somethings lie too deep for words ... but I am trusting I can feel the truth, even when I cannot fully articulate it just yet. 

(this little beauty of a snake was one of many critters rescued by the Nebraska Wildlife Rehab Inc. and we got to visit and learn more about their work over the weekend during an open house event.  They do amazing work for the animals and for education of the public in responsible care and stewardship of these beings who share their world with us. It IS the Year of the Snake, remember?!)



  1. Yea, black rat snake! So lovely that there are other people out in the world that care for snakes. I bet she is feisty :)

  2. beautiful
    the inner work indeed...
    and yes
    some things lie too deep for words....

    thank you for posting about this black beauty Lis, she has taught me tonight
    love and light

  3. holding space for you, dear heart....may the light flicker gently in the quiet darkness...


  4. i LOVE this post. simple and so meaningful.
