
Friday, August 2, 2013

butterfly girl (August Break)

A summer tradition now ... The August Break ... pictures snapped amid the breezy days of August ... our last gasp of summer (school starts in two weeks - how can that be?) and there just isn't time to linger ... fun to be had ...

friends visiting and the requisite trip to the zoo 

the butterflies were rioting ... 


everyone of us receiving butterfly kisses and while I've never heard of this said, I'm choosing to believe that every butterfly extends to us a wish ... 


we were granted many, but mine will be for summer to live on in our daily pace and in attitude as we prepare to shift gears all-too-soon ...

I have something I've been incubating for some time now ... you can take a peek over here to find out more ...

yes, many butterfly wishes ... many, many, many!


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! Thanks so much for the wonderful letter! It was so great to get REAL mail. I'd forgotten how nice it is to sit and read a letter, so much more personal than email. I may just start bombarding you and everyone I know with snail mail ;).

    Oh, wanted to let you know I got my personal blog up and am trying to post every day this month to get back in the habit. It's at
