
Friday, August 30, 2013

summer's last fling

The summer heat is not about to let go and I am following its cue and holding tight to these last precious days ...

Favorite moments from the past few days ... gratitude for what is my habit: to reach for my camera, allowing the lens to pull me more deeply into the beauty of the moment as it unfolds before me ...


What memories will you carefully pack away?  What will sustain you on a blustery, gray, winter's day?  Mingled in my memory will be the sweetness of watermelon, the dusty scent of lavender, the song of the evening crickets and the luxuriousness of long days with my girl. 

Take time to remember ... for all too soon, we forget.

Happy holiday weekend to my American friends. xo


  1. Such beautiful photos and words, and a great reminder to remember all the beauty summer has bestowed upon us. xoxo

  2. Oh, this post speaks to me. I am savoring the last bit of maternity leave I have left. I think this has been the best summer of my entire life - I never want it to end. I am savoring these last weeks and days before I have to go back to work. In the winter I am sure I will be thinking of these long lazy days, the sweet scent of that warm baby head :), the naps in the middle of the afternoon listening to peaceful sleeping baby sighs, and that wonderful feeling of calm that months of not working on end has on one's soul. It's been a beautiful summer and I know it will never be repeated.


  3. I love the introspection of this post, Lis. So many parents are happy when school starts up again in the fall. I mourn it - I love being with my son, love experiencing his world through his eyes, sharing my own world. It was the last day our pool was open (unless we get a stretch of nice weather this week then they will open late afternoon) and I can't believe that it's over. I spent much of July in a funk over what "wasn't", woke up in August to take the gold ring and run with the rest of summer. I am trying to not beat myself up too much about it all. But the truth is the calendar says September (2nd) and things are moving onward. New challenges (hopefully less homework this year) and a new me that I am birthing. xo

  4. my memories of this summer will be packaged in the full surrender that summer is not my favourite season
    I have tried
    and I try every year
    but the heat of it all is a challenge
    Yes within the wrappings of that truth
    there is the joys of family time
    road tripping with the little travel trailer
    family reunions
    a love filled wedding of my niece
    and going home in more ways than one

    I thank Summer for what she gave me
    and bow with gratitude
    and rejoice as Fall Makes her way towards me for a full embrace...
    she is my favourite! : )

    beautiful post Lis
    thank you
    Love and Light
