
Monday, September 9, 2013


Today is supposed to be a power day for me ... moon in Scorpio ... The Gift of Practice launched today ... a wonderful group gathered to receive my brain droppings ... no, I am proud of what is manifesting and I really have to bow down to the truth that my way is always about process and being in the flow, so I have little idea where we will end up but I am trusting the magic of the group and our collective intentions to carry us all someplace wonderful and important and vitally necessary for true growth.

All of which scares the bejeezus out of me, which means I must be in the right place!

But it has been horribly hot again - HOT and muggy which saps my spirits and drains me of inner resources.  Yet I am managing to lumber along, propelled by the good vibrations generated over the weekend at my friend's 50th wedding celebration ... which was a wedding ceremony ... a Hindu ceremony (appropriate for a life-long yogini who built a temple to her guru on her country property) and the groom did arrive on an elephant ...

accompanied by trumpet blasts by Tibetan monks ...

the majority of female guests in saris (we were aided in our draping by Indian aunties who gathered beforehand in the temple to assist us - it was quite the sight!) ...

there had been the mehndi party the night before ...

even the young flower girls got their hands decorated ...


dressed in their finest ...

but all of us eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride ...

radiant in her appearance ... escorted by her friend, a Catholic priest - she had all her spiritual bases covered: Christian, Buddhist, Native American and Hindu blessings were all included ...

a rich, spiritual and playful ceremony ...

reminding me of the importance of Love, celebration, partnership, friendship and dreaming colorful, big, wide-as-the-imagination-can-span dreams.  As often as I catch myself drifting into the rut of "how things are done"/ought to/should be/the way life is,  last weekend was a reminder for me to ask: Why not?!

Why not see how high we can soar?  Why not open wide the doors to my most dangerous thoughts?  What are my most colorful dreams and why am I not planning for that party?  

That is the celebration I intend to show up for ... every day ... in small but steady ways. Every day. No excuses. No more wasting time.

When it's over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
- Mary Oliver, When Death Comes 




  1. *this*.

    yes, yes, and YES!!

    what a beautiful celebration....simply brilliant.


  2. Ahhh, this post brought happy tears to my eyes, the joy on the bride's face, the happy excitement of your girl flying on the swing, Mary Oliver's poem. I want more of all of that in my life.

  3. Best wishes for you with your e-course!! I know that it is going to be wonderful. Yes, take the chance and soar as high as possible. You are doing it! xoxo

  4. wow
    this was beautiful
    your daughter is stunning
    i feel the power within her!
    you look radiant at the wedding Lis
    love does you good!

    love and light
