
Friday, October 11, 2013

the effort and ease of awakening ...

 "Why must we answer the call to awaken? Why must we follow the questions of our soul? Because it is through habitual, non-inquisitive living that we lose our sense of wonder. Because eventually, even the strangest or most magical things become absorbed into the routine of the daily mind with its steady geographies of endurance, anxiety, and contentment. Left to our own devices, curiosity dims and fear of the unknown binds us; we cling to the known. Only seldom does the haze lift, as we glimpse for a moment the amazing plenitude of being here in the heart of the greatest story ever told—our own lives."

Sometimes all it takes to connect with Magic is to step outside of routine, making a detour but still staying in one's own backyard (or nearby park) ...

So simple and maybe that is why I so often miss it ...

Or maybe it is my habit to  over- complicate matters, fixating upon my shadow when all I need to do is turn and behold the source of my light ...

 What is required is to stop moving, pause, look around (down, up, over, within) and allow that indeed I have all that is needed to conjure magick:  a curious mind, alert senses and a heart open and willing to receive ...

All this in a half hour of my day.  Returning home full and nourished, fortified and resolved to stay awake and to leave room for the mysterious to curl around and within me.  

Thank you Mel for the much needed inspiration and reminder to get thee outdoors!

1 comment:

  1. so wonderful and I love "all this in a half hour of my day"
