Monday, January 12, 2015

Spectrum 2015 (giveaway!)

I am excited - and a wee bit daunted! -  to announce that I am part of an amazing array of instructors participating in collective offering known as Spectrum.  This is the love child of Hali Karla who has done an inspiring job of gathering a beautifully diverse and rich group of women dedicated to self discovery, healing and celebration through a variety of means including art, photography, meditation, sacred ceremony, and so much more. In Hali's words:

Spectrum is a collective of holistic-minded artists, healers and visionaries
that have come together to offer a unique online experience devoted to awakening, exploring, deepening & celebrating your innate wisdom and intuition through visual journaling and more.

When you sign up for Spectrum, you will be receiving access to 25 workshops offered by some of my favorite teachers, writers & artists including Jamie Ridler, Julie Daley, and Lisa Sonora Beam, to name just a few.  Content will be delivered in 4 installments of downloadable PDFs which means you can work at your own pace, dip in and out and revisit whenever you like! And you will want to revisit some of these beauties ... just take a gander and drool at the individual listings HERE.

My offering is Mandala Moon Meditations, my on-going practice for the past years of creating a mandala each month to investigate and celebrate the wisdom of that month's moon cycle and how I experience that energy manifesting in my own life and consciousness.  It has been an incredible vehicle for deepening my connection to Nature and to understanding my own inner cycles and rhythms. By understanding the impact of the seasons upon my own energy, I have been better able to utilize that energy, knowing when to flow, when to create, and when to rest and recuperate.  I am excited to deepen my own practice as I share my work with others.

The first journal (pdf with 6 workshop/lessons) will be sent out on May 1, 2015 with subsequent deliveries on June 15, September 1 and October 15, 1015.  Right now there is an early bird reduced registration price of $99 available until January 31.  After that, the price is $120.  That's less than $5 per workshop! 

I have one membership to gift and am offering it via a giveaway here and through Facebook.  Leave me a comment here (or on the corresponding Facebook Thread) and let me know what is your intention for self care in the coming year? What one-thing could you commit to right now to deepen your relationship with yourself, as an on-going act of befriending and honoring the sacred being that is you? 

I will draw a winner on January 20 (the new moon of course!) and announce on the 21st.

Good luck! 

Full disclosure: I am an affiliate of Spectrum, so when if you register after following the link here on my blog, I will be receiving a percentage of that registration fee.  


  1. I am committed to deepening my relationship with myself this year by addressing the issues that come up to be healed. I desire more than anything else to set myself free and live from the place of who I truly am.

    Thank you Lis for this opportunity of winning a spot in this eCourse. You will be amazing in Spectrum 2015. Love how you teach.

  2. I am commiting myself to speak kindly to myself everytime I start the self-hate-monologues. No idea if it will be enough, but I hope so!

    Thank you for the chance to win!😘

  3. Oh. Girl. Your giveaway question has cut to my core. It's time I declare it, yes?!?! My intention for self care this year is to have some. To discover my brand of self care that will nourish me. Right now I can commit to SLOW DOWN. Slow down within my activities. Slow down in my body and mind. Slow down within time and space. Thank you for the chance to experience this gift. 🙌😝❤

  4. I have decided to take the time to think about things before immediately saying "Yes, I'll do it!". This year, if it doesn't feel right to me, I'm going to decline even if it makes someone not happy with me. Sounds simple but I know myself well enough that if I am not constantly present and aware, I will fall back into this self-defeating bad habit.

    Spectrum sounds wonderful and I am definitely going to check it out!

  5. Oh, this course looks fantastic and keeps popping up for me on my media streams. I regretted not signing up last year.
    This year self care looks really simple. Everything is pared down to back to the basics so I'm committing to a nightly gratitude practice in my sketchbook right before I turn out the light. I want to remember all the moments I'm blessed with before it goes by in a blur.

  6. I just wanted to say that it is so awesome that you are a part of this and that you are able to inspire so many more people. Yay!! I am cultivating nourishment right now. xoxo

  7. My commitment to self care is to not give away my power and fully accept and be in it.
