
Monday, December 21, 2009

Checking in

I am so tired, I can barely hold my head up. So here is a visual of life lately:

My mom is moved and now the unpacking begins (cue mournful groans)

I am still knitting ... and knitting

I had my last Chinese class of the semester and we learned how to make dumplings

And still, there is so much I want to do in these last few days ... I love the holidays and it pains me to leave anything off my list. I am accepting that this is all unfolding in the perfect way for me and I am trying to relish every moment. None-the-less, the long lines are killing me even though they are teaching me yet again about patience and how to find contentment in every moment.

I know I am not alone in this self defeating behavior, so for those of you not on the Universe's email list, here is a timely reminder I received and which I want to share with you who are standing by me in my moment of madness. Thank you Universe, you totally get me.

Just wanted to remind you, Lisa, that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed. And I must say, you've done well for yourself. Yeah us! The Universe

Happy Holidays to us all. I hope we all are finding time between waiting in lines and wrapping presents and baking cookies to savor the wonder and magic of this season. Here are my moments ...

Life is pretty grand, isn't it? Tell me about your elves and moments of magic and let's keep this party rolling.

And happy snow days ahead ...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm hoping the cleaning elves will be here any minute as I'm procrastinating instead of preparing for our family dinner tonight. I appreciate you sharing the message from the universe today. I have let go of so many expectations for the holidays and I'm truly enjoying the funny things Ava is telling me about Santa and Jesus (like, "Who is Jesus, Mom?" right in front of my Catholic grandma- she now knows he was a very nice man who lived a long time ago).
    We're thinking of you and wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Hope you can let go of one thing today.
