
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Looking Forward

While we continue to dig out from what will be know as the Christmas blizzard of 09, I continue to feel a tad buried under emotionally and creatively. Right now, there is SO MUCH I want to be doing for the sake of joyful doing, but as always, daily life has other plans for me. Like a squirrely five year old gone wild from days on end being cooped up inside or mounds of boxes to unpack and sort through for my mother's new apartment. And yes, I am still working away on belated holiday gifts (and foolishly coming up with new ideas as I type.)

I am reminded of a yoga teacher who once said there will be times in our life when we will walk by our meditation cushion only to briefly touch it as a reminder "one day, I will return" and then move on with our day. That is how I feel right now: I touch with my fingers, my mind, my heart all the activities that feed my soul but must wait while I tend to practical matters. And this has to be enough for now. But soon, oh yes very soon, this will change!

My wish for 2010 is to know moments of spaciousness in my life. To rest contented in each moment, knowing that whatever is occurring, is right and is perfect for me and my journey. I guess I wish that I may know more patience with myself and my life. I tend to be a peeker around corners, standing on tip toes to see what is up ahead. My wish is to be in each moment and know it for all its juicy goodness. And then let that juice spill out into my world through words, images, photos ... a circuit of inspiration going out, coming in, going out again.

I feel a bit like my head is in muddy waters - maybe that is the Cowgirl twirling all around me as I type - and my wish is for the mud to settle. Soon. Along with some snow melt if you please.

Here's to an exciting New Year ahead. I really do feel deep within that it is going to be the best one yet. What do you feel?


  1. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Many blessings for the new year, and may all your wishes come true!

  2. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Carpe diem, treasure each moment, lovely 2010 to you and yours!

  3. I am sending you some sunshine:)

    As Lis wishes for herself in 2010, so I wish for her also.

  4. As Lis wishes for herself in 2010, so I wish for her too!

  5. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    MAy your New Year be filled with all that you wish.

  6. i can so relate to that. i hope you are able to seize the moments of each day.

    as lis wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

  7. As Lis wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Happy, Spacious New Year!
