
Monday, June 21, 2010

Falling Skies and other observations

Stormy weather has my brain operating at half speed. The husband said it best when he moaned "It is hard getting any sleep when the gods are playing bongo drums all night long!" (Of course, he rolled over and went back to sleep while I had to get up and get ready for work.)

Amidst this volatile weather, I am finding it hard to get my bearings. I've seemed to heap my plate too full with deliciously activities and am suffering from overload. With today as the official start of summer I wish to declare my intention to allow spaciousness into my life at this. My intention is to take time to linger, absorb and just BE this summer. I feel like I've been grabbing on to too much and I am needing to practice opening my hands and allowing the gifts of this time to fall into them rather
than snatching at everything that comes my way.

Opening to receive rather than filling up, that's my goal. It's a matter of perspective. And a matter of trust, knowing everything will come in its proper time.

Here are a few of my quiet observations from the past few days. My attempt to slow down and look intently at this life I've so carefully crafted and needing to enjoy:

For a fun summer project, consider joining in on an art postcard swap over on Wishstudio blog. Make 5 original inspiration postcards to send off to others and in turn receive some summer inspiration delivered to you the old fashioned way - through the mail! Details are here ... come on, join me!

What are your summer plans? How do you intend to enjoy yourself?

(Painting with Purpose Update: Cowgirl and I have begun our first 8 by 10 inch painting and already I can tell it will be hard for me to part with it! And if you heard a loud BANG this morning, it was my jaw hitting the desk when I discovered you all have already donated $235 to Half the Sky Foundation! What an amazing feat! We are pumped up and ready to paint our little hearts out! First give away is July 2nd. Keep posted for sneak peeks at our paintings.)


  1. oh thank you.
    this post is what i need right now.

  2. Lis,THANKS! just signed up for the swap- but still plan on doing my own thing too.
    I totally agree with you about all the things out there I want to "try", but you are so right as to relax and enjoy what comes to you. Summer is not a time for too much of anything( ok, well except sunshine, childs play, farmers markets, and pure relaxation).

  3. Lis - hah - I totally thought of you when I saw the WishStudio postcard giveaway. I wanted to do it but then wondered if I had too much on my plate. And now you get to coax me into doing something - yay for you! :) Closer and closer we step to the asylum...

    Beautiful photos of what you are enjoying these days. Keep right on slowing down and savoring every minute.

  4. What a lovely post - I start my vacation next week and your post is a good reminder to stop and smell the roses!
    I love the idea of the postcard swap - will be signing up!
    Great news about the fund - I will be sending my contribution this week. Finally got my report cards finished last week - a huge weight off my shoulders!
    Take care.

  5. it seems like each season begins in haste for me. i was thinking about this today by the river, and remembering childhood summertime fun. all of the good memories are of "slow times". sitting on a hot sidewalk, eating watermelon. swimming. porch swings. stargazing. those are the kinds of memories i'd love to give my child!

    best to you with your beautiful intentions.

  6. Mmmmm... your photo of tomatos has my mouth watering. :) I too am looking forward to lazy summer days, when I'm not traveling that is. I'm in the postcard swap already - mine are almost done and I can't wait to mail them!

  7. Your images are just perfect for starting the summer. I've been feeling totally off kilter--I hope I can get myself centered so I can enjoy the lovely laziness of this season. Congrats on the fundraiser.

  8. wonderful goal. think i'll join you on that one!

  9. Many thanks, Lis, for your supportive comments on my blog. I did the restorative yoga and now feel much better. Hope you are doing better too.

    Namaste, Gina

  10. Thank you so much for mentioning the post card swap. I'm headed there next!

    Your photos are great! I'm really working on improving the photos on my blog. Thanks for sharing yours.
