
Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Inspiration Celebration: snowed in

Monday's Inspiration Celebration has been delayed due to excessive amounts of snow requiring us to head outside and play!


and today:

We were so excited to test out our new, super fast, 3 person, mean green sliding machine, I forgot my camera! (Another reason I need to update my apparently antique cell phone - my 14 year old niece declared she had never seen one that old and in such good condition! - for an i phone.)

Snow days have meant hot cocoa, tub time and hours to work on my Sketchbook Project journal which is finished!! (teaser alert: photos to come!) Meanwhile, I invite you to join me in Yoga Journal's 21 Day Yoga Challenge. It's free and each day you will receive an email with links to online video classes, audio programs and other supporting materials. Today I did a 20 minute vini-yoga class and then whipped up a banana-mango smoothie for Cowgirl and me to enjoy. A pretty wonderful day ... sigh ... going to work takes a big chunk out of all this healthy living!

I also received my copy of Kerri Arista's new cd and I love it! In addition to being a wonderful blogger, she is an amazing musician/artist and it is such a treat to hold in my hands the work of someone I know (well, kinda know from my cyber life.)

Meanwhile, I am totally immersed into DEEP/Fearless Painting and just blown away by how profoundly amazing and inspiring the course, the participants and our divine miss Connie all are. I find myself jumping out of bed, ready to dive into the work, the course material and just marinate in all the juicy goodness. I am living right now constantly covered in goosebumps, heart pounding, mind racing. It is such a gift to be in exactly the right place at the right time and recognize that fact. It may be cold and snowy outside, but I think the next six weeks will be pretty colorful around here.

So I say, bring on the snow!

this is The Husband's snow outfit which he had me try out


  1. you are living in a winter oh england winters are cold and filled with lots and lots of
    the snow gear for the dog walk. You look like me all bundled up..................

  2. We are as snowy here as you are there. My inclination is to hide out in the house when it's a winter wonderland. Your outdoorsy fun sounds awesome, though, so I'll have some hot chocolate and live vicariously through you. :D

  3. Beautiful photographs!
    Had a lovely snow day myself and it was wonderful to get that time for my own life:) I love my job, but it does cut into my time for other things...

  4. Love Snow Days.. and you look so cute in that snowsuit!!

  5. I love your commit photo! And you in the snow suit is a crack-up :) Moose's face is precious :) I wish we could have snow days!


  6. Lis, I LOVE IT!

    Congrats on the Sketchbook finale (can't wait to see photos!)! I finally called mine as done as it is going to be. We had massive snow today too (snow day for the kiddos!), so I'll venture to the post office tomorrow to get it in the mail. Yay for us!

    Your commit photo - oh my. My heart bows back to you. I needed that...thank you.
